Act like nothing happened

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Exhausted, Adharv jumped onto the bed, seeking a night of good sleep. Demon joined him, and he quickly succumbed to fatigue. However, his rest was interrupted by the insistent timepiece. Opening his eyes, he found it was already 8 o'clock – time to prepare for college. Despite feeling worn out, he decided to go, fearing that his absence might raise suspicions due to Jewels.

Disappointed, he left the bed and headed to the bathroom, taking a refreshing hot shower. Adharv, still in his thoughts, opted for a half-sleeved printed green shirt and black cotton pants from his wardrobe and dressed quickly, forgetting to comb his hair or apply perfume. Hungry and realizing he hadn't eaten since dinner with his parents the previous night, he checked the refrigerator for something quick to eat. He found Nutella and bread, toasted a sandwich, and ate it hurriedly.

Demon watched him, probably hoping for a treat, and Adharv didn't forget to give him some milk from the fridge.

Adharv prepared for his day at college. He locked his house with Demon inside and realized he had nearly forgotten about his bike. Quickly, he called Mr. Aansh to inform him about the bike's condition and location. Mr. Aansh agreed to take care of it and offered transportation assistance, but Adharv decided to go by bus instead.

At the nearby bus stop, Adharv found a crowded bus waiting. The journey began, but it quickly turned into a frustrating experience due to the chaotic crowd, an unpredictable driver, and regular traffic jams. Adharv couldn't wait to get off the bus, and when he finally saw a stop, he rushed out, relieved to be free from the bus's chaos.

Realizing that the bus had taken a different route from what he was used to, Adharv found himself lost and unable to hire a rickshaw due to the heavy traffic. Left with no choice, he decided to walk the remaining 3.1 kilometers to reach college, guided by Google Maps.

After nearly an hour of walking, he finally arrived at college, exhausted and hungry. He headed straight to the canteen and ordered a substantial meal of 5 chapatis and beef roast to recharge his energy

Hurrying to the kitchen, he realized he forgot to comb his hair and apply perfume. Scanning the refrigerator for a quick meal, he discovered he hadn't eaten since dinner with his parents the previous night. Retrieving Nutella and bread, he toasted it and had a quick meal.

Demon observed Adharv with a lackluster expression as he ate. Adharv grabbed milk for Demon from the fridge, making the dog quite happy since it hadn't eaten since yesterday morning.

Adharv savored every bite of his meal, content and with a full stomach. Grabbing a bottle of coke, he decided to sit under a tree to gather his thoughts. Realizing it was already 11:23, he contemplated making firm statements about the events with Jewels the previous night.

Anticipating potential questions, he crafted responses. Adharv resolved to tell the truth to the boys about the events of last night. However, when it came to Beverly's inquiry, he felt a surge of tension. Trying to calm himself, he rehearsed a story about running out of fuel and walking Jewels home.

Satisfied with his response, he noted the time – 10 more minutes until the end of the second hour. As he walked toward his classroom, he encountered couples, triggering thoughts of Jewels. Despite his efforts to control his mind, the thoughts persisted.

Upon reaching the classroom, he found Catherine already teaching. Adharv, 6 minutes late, was allowed in and joined Thariq and Bilal in the last bench.

Beverly later approached, inquiring about the project in Jewels' absence. Adharv was shocked to learn that Jewels' guardian had applied for her transfer certificate, leading to her departure from the college.

Beverly shared the news, citing information from Meghna miss. Adharv, bewildered and confused, was left grappling with the sudden turn of events. Beverly questioned if Jewels had mentioned anything about the matter, to which Adharv replied in the negative. As Beverly left the classroom, Adharv was left stunned and uncertain about the unfolding situation.

Adharv's friends were surprised by Beverly's revelation and playfully suggested that, since he knew where she lives, there was no need for college romance. Lost in thoughts about Jewels, Adharv was convinced that Metalife had something to do with her sudden departure. The persistent fear inside him hadn't faded.

Accompanying his friends to a movie, Adharv struggled to focus on the film, preoccupied with thoughts about Jewels and the transfer certificate matter. Fear crept in, worrying about Jewels waking up after being unconscious for a prolonged period.

To make everything look normal adhrav went to movie with his friends as they always does in weekends. While in the theatre his mind was clouded with thoughts about jewels. As the movie concluded, Adharv hastily left, citing an urgency at home. In the cab, he urged the driver to go faster, praying to prevent something bad from happening. Paying the driver en route, he rushed to his house, opening and closing the gate anxiously. His hands shook as he struggled to fit the key into the lock, but he managed to open the door.

Relieved to find the house unchanged, he noticed his dog Demon sleeping on the couch. Placing his bag down, he headed to his room to check on Jewels. Opening the door to the room, he retrieved the remote for the safe room, only to discover Jewels missing and the chains broken. Trembling with fear, the intense ball of fire inside him grew hotter.

Suddenly, the door of the safe room closed, intensifying Adharv's terror. Trembling, he turned around, and in an instant, something struck his face, knocking him unconscious.

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