Truth about her

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Adharv slowly regained consciousness after being struck by Bethany with the wooden pencil box. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in the same bed where Jewels had been laid just a couple of hours ago. He looked up to see Jewels standing in front of him, still as beautiful as ever, asking if he was feeling alright.

Feeling a mild pain in his head where the wound was, Adharv adjusted the pillow so he could sit up. Jewels apologized for Bethany's actions, to which Adharv reciprocated by apologizing for his own outburst triggered by the accusations against his parents.

Jewels then brought up something Adharv had said about her, but he immediately brushed it off, deflecting the conversation. However, Jewels persisted, stating that she knew they were all hiding something from her and that she wanted to know what had happened to her. She questioned why she couldn't remember being attacked at the house or their intimate encounter.

"Don't you remember anything?" Adharv inquired.

"No, things have been a bit blurred for me for the past three days. I'm having trouble remembering what happened after I infiltrated the research facility," replied Jewels.

Adharv expressed his desire to tell her everything but admitted his fear of how she would react. He couldn't bear to see her tormented by his revelations. In a feeble tone, he asked her why she had to infiltrate the research facility, especially alone.

Jewels responded with silence at first, but upon Adharv's urging, she hesitantly answered his question. She explained that she had to sneak in because the major evidence to prove the dark side of Metalife had arrived there. If she hadn't stolen it, it would have brought chaos to the world.

As Jewels looked at him with affection, mirroring the way Adharv often looked at her, Adharv couldn't help but notice the warmth in her gaze.

Encouraged by her request, Adharv hesitated before beginning to reveal the truth that the others had kept from her. He started by disclosing that the blood she had vomited wasn't hers; rather, it belonged to a soldier from the strike that had attacked them at his house.

Jewels was astonished to learn this revelation.

Continuing, Adharv explained that the men had come to retrieve her because she had somehow ingested the sample of serum she had stolen from the facility.

Jewels was visibly shaken by Adharv's revelations, her eyes widening in shock as she tightly gripped his hand. Adharv continued, recounting the instances where he had witnessed her die and then miraculously come back to life unharmed. He emphasized that they hadn't engaged in any intimate encounter.

As Adharv spoke, Jewels trembled with a mixture of fear, shock, and disgust. She was overwhelmed by the realization of the potential harm she had caused and the lives she may have taken. She fell silent, unable to process the magnitude of her actions, despite Adharv's attempts to communicate with her.

Suddenly, Camilla burst into the room, breathless, and announced that they were under attack. She reported the loss of all surveillance visuals and the sudden power outage that engulfed the entire place in darkness.

Adharv's muscles strained as he attempted to push himself up from the bed, but as Jewels firmly held onto his hands. He called out to her, his voice filled with urgency and desperation, but she remained unresponsive.

Seated on the edge of the bed, Jewels resembled a statue carved from stone, her posture rigid and her gaze fixed ahead with an intensity that sent shivers down Adharv's spine. she remained silent and unmoving, as though lost in a world of her own.

The sudden, thunderous bang reverberated through the room, jolting Adharv and Jewels from their tense standoff. Camilla's scream pierced the air, her voice trembling with fear as the unexpected noise echoed around them.

Adharv's heart raced with adrenaline, his senses on high alert as he scanned the room for signs of danger. Beside him, Jewels, her grip tightening on his hands.

In the chaos that ensued, Bethany and Alan burst into the room, their expressions hardened with determination. Bethany wasted no time, drawing her gun with practiced precision, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of threat.
Alan, tired to clam Camilla, but the tension in the air was palpable, the sense of impending danger hanging heavy like a suffocating fog.

As tension reached its peak, two smoke shells descended from the stairs above, releasing thick billows of smoke that quickly filled the room. Panic surged through the group as they struggled to breathe, their eyes stinging and watering from the noxious fumes.

Adharv felt himself overcome by a wave of dizziness, his limbs growing heavy as he sank back onto the bed, his vision swimming in the swirling haze. Beside him, Jewels tumbled to the ground from the bed, her movements sluggish and uncoordinated as she fought against the paralysis that threatened to consume her.

As the smoke cleared, a group of soldiers emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by gas masks and their weapons raised in readiness. With chilling efficiency, they moved among the incapacitated individuals, administering tranquilizers with practiced precision.

Adharv felt the cool sting of the needle against his skin, a wave of drowsiness washing over him as the tranquilizer began to take effect. His eyelids grew heavy, his thoughts growing increasingly muddled as he slipped further into unconsciousness.

As the soldiers completed their task, the room fell silent, the only sound the steady rhythm of the victims' breathing as they lay unconscious on the ground.

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