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Shocked by the sight Felix stands with a chill holding the phone in his hand.
"Go on, check inside and see for yourselves. The call disconnects.

With trepidation, Felix pushed open the creaking door, revealing a chilling darkness within. As he cautiously stepped forward, The air turned icy, and the ominous hum of refrigeration machinery filled his ears.

In a surreal chamber, he found himself surrounded by lifeless forms—corpses.

Despite the cold environment, Felix doesn't feel its chill, overwhelmed by what he witnesses. His shock deepens as he gazes upon one of the corpses: the body parts lost during the attack by Jewels have been meticulously stitched back onto the body, which is now chained to a sturdy iron pillar painted in white. Each corpse in the room bears the same grim fate, their dismembered parts reattached and secured to the central pillar by chains.

Felix couldn't understand why was all these corpse still here. He had already given orders to sent them back to their respective place's. All the 137 corpse where there. He wanted to know why they are still there so he moved out from there and dragged the unconscious guard inside. He checked for vital signs and, with a sense of urgency, gently slapped the man's cheeks to stimulate a response. As awareness began to flicker, Felix spoke reassuringly, coaxing the unconscious man back to consciousness. Gradually, the man's eyes fluttered open.

As he as Felix he get anxious and frightened he began to tremble in fear shouting that he have a family so please leave him alone.

He said he is free to leave after he answers some of his questions. The guard agreed.
Felix asked him why is these corpse still here and why are they preserved .

"These are the corpse of those soldiers who were killed by the specimen while capturing it, said the guard. By getting killed by the specimen these dead bodies needs to be studied and thoroughly checked before they are sent back to there respective places.

What the guard said made sense but Felix still couldn't understand why they were chained if they were to be sent back.

Felix keenly observed the man, his instincts tingling with suspicion. Subtle cues, like averted eyes and nervous gestures, betrayed the truth. He felt like something is off about the guards statement. Like it's missing a crucial piece.

"What is the need for you to lie, Felix asked the guard. Just tell me what you know and u walk free or u die and end up one like them. The way Felix told him was more cold than the room.

The guard gets frightened with Felix terrifying look. He says that if he tell him everything he will lose his job.
To that Felix replied of he doesn't tell Felix the truth he will lose his life.

The guard being afraid to die said Felix the truth.
"At first the company wanted to burn all these corpse but. But a scientist who came from meta life's Mumbai centre wanted to study them and so they all were brought here.

"Why keep all these dead bodies if it was for studying, couldn't have done with a single body, asks Felix.

The guard answered that the scientist found a connection between these dead corpse and that monstrous girl, he was the one who ordered to stitch up all the bodies and chain them.

And lastly Felix enquired the guard if he knew who the scientist was. The guard didn't know anything about the scientist he heard these from the workers who brought the corpse here.
Felix get yet another call from the contact AE.
The guard was free to leave under one condition that he forgets everything just happened now.
Felix answers the call immediately after the guard leaves the place.

"How amazing is it to see these many corpse of your colleagues, said the speaker of the call with a sarcastic laugh.

"Who are you and why are you showing me these, asked Felix in a heavy sound.

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