The Attack begins

4 3 0

The entity, perched atop the hilly terrain, surveyed the forested landscape below. With his wolves at his side and his 20 guards equipped with the same metallic armor and weapons as those in the cave, he prepared to execute his plan. Each guard bore a distinct number marked on their armor, signifying their unique roles in the forthcoming assault.

As part of his strategy, the entity dispatched the remaining four wolves except the one which he rides to each entrance of the facility. Through a telepathic connection, he synchronized his mind with theirs, allowing him to receive real-time visuals and coordinate their actions seamlessly.

As the wolves stealthily approached each entrance of the facility, the entity remained perched atop his loyal companion, Evil, overseeing the operation with keen interest. The forest provided them with ample cover, concealing their movements as they prepared to strike.

Meanwhile, the entity's men stood at the ready, their unconventional weapons poised for action. These cutting-edge firearms utilized highly unstable light photons, converting them into deadly laser beams capable of piercing through even the most fortified defenses. It was a stark contrast to traditional weaponry, reflecting the advanced technology at the entity's disposal.

With his telepathic connection to his wolves, the entity monitored the visuals from each entrance, ensuring that his assault would be perfectly coordinated. The wolves were his eyes and ears on the ground, providing invaluable intelligence as they positioned themselves for the imminent attack. All that remained was for the entity to give the signal, unleashing his forces upon the unsuspecting facility below.

The wolves stationed themselves at each entrance of the facility as ordered by the entity, blending into the surrounding terrain.

As the entity observed the men guarding the entrances, he couldn't help but be surprised by the level of security measures in place. "I never thought they would consider me such a significant threat to warrant this level of defense," he remarked, his astonishment evident in his voice.

However, the entity's amusement quickly overshadowed his initial surprise. "But in the end, their actions always play into my hands," he chuckled knowingly. It was clear that he saw this as yet another opportunity to further his agenda.

Through the visual feed provided by his wolves, the entity meticulously scrutinized the soldiers below. He analyzed their body language, noting any signs of tension or apprehension. The weapons they wielded and their positioning were of particular interest to him, providing valuable insight into their defensive capabilities.

With each observation, the entity's confidence only grew. He knew that his meticulously planned assault would be a display of power and dominance.

As the entity remained hidden within the forest of the hilly terrain, he suddenly heard the distant sound of a chopper approaching the facility.

Glancing up, he observed the chopper's rapid approach, resembling an evacuation aircraft. A wry smirk crossed the entity's lips as he muttered to himself, "Oh, are you trying to escape, Renuka? After all these years, we are finally meeting, and you chose to flee."

Without hesitation, the entity ordered the guard marked with the number 3 on his armor to shoot down the approaching chopper. The guard swiftly took aim, targeting the chopper's propeller with precision as it came into view.

The shot landed true, striking the chopper and sending it spiraling downward. A sense of satisfaction washed over the entity as he watched the aircraft plummet.

"Do you think I will let you live so easily, Akash Sharma?" the entity declared with a tone laced with agitation.

In response to the attack on the chopper, the soldiers stationed at each entrance of the facility swiftly retaliated, shooting down the wolves deployed by the entity.

Upon witnessing this, the entity wasted no time in issuing orders to his guards. "It's time, my fellow followers. Split into four groups of five men and unleash the power I gave you. Show them how dominant my power is," he commanded with unwavering determination.

The guards, numbered from 1 to 20, divided into four groups as instructed and swiftly moved towards their respective entrances. Arriving at their destinations, they were met with the sight of soldiers attempting to move the fallen wolf bodies inside the facility.

Without hesitation, the guards took their positions and aimed their advanced weapons at the soldiers. The sudden appearance of these armored individuals, each marked with a distinctive number, left the soldiers stunned and bewildered, as if they had emerged from nowhere.

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