Layer of operation

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Bethany, observing Jewels returning to normal with Adharv's touch, turned to Camilla with confusion. "What just happened?" she asked.

Adharv, holding the now-normal Jewels, found her weight and heated body challenging. He carried her to his room and gently laid her on his bed. Adharv asked Bethany and Camilla to assist him with Jewels, but fear held them back. Worried she might transform again, they hesitated.

Adharv assured them that it wouldn't happen unless she was hurt or died, based on his understanding. It dawned on Bethany and Camilla that he seemed to know more about the situation. Bethany, feeling the need for answers, grabbed the gun from Camilla and pointed it at Adharv, demanding an explanation.

Adharv, unaware of what happened to Jewels, shared the little he knew about her condition, recounting the second time he witnessed such a transformation. He mentioned Jewels possibly injecting herself with a sample, speculating it as the cause.

Bethany and Camilla, shocked by this revelation, considered Adharv's assumption about the sample. Adharv, seeking more information, inquired about the sample and the reason for stealing it from the lab. Bethany and Camilla agreed to share the details of their mission but suggested moving from the house first, as the ride those men talked about would arrive any minute.

Adharv concurred and suggested finding clothes for Jewels from the wardrobe while he went to get a cab for them.

Camilla informed Adharv about the vehicle they arrived in, parked opposite the neighbor's house to the right. She handed him the car key from her pants pocket, and Bethany began searching for a dress for Jewels.

Adharv headed outside to get the car. Descending the stairs, he witnessed the aftermath of the recent massacre. Outside, the entire street remained eerily silent, raising questions about why the gunshots and explosions hadn't alarmed the residents.

Finding the black Swift car Camilla mentioned, Adharv got in and drove it to his house. Upon arrival, he opened the back door and went upstairs to his room. Bethany and Camilla, having changed their attire, were dressing up Jewels by the time Adharv returned.

Adharv carried Jewels downstairs and laid her on the back seat of the car.

Bethany took the key from Adharv and assumed the driver's seat, while Camilla sat beside Jewels. Adharv, allowed to accompany them due to his unique ability to help Jewels, took a seat next to Bethany as they began their journey to a safe place.

During the ride, Adharv inquired about the destination. Bethany revealed it to be their layer, a location for discussions and plan execution, known to only a select few. Although Adharv had more questions, he patiently waited until they reached the place they referred to as the layer.

After a lengthy journey spanning nearly two hours and twenty minutes, they finally arrived at their destination – an old police station that had been abandoned for approximately two decades. The atmosphere surrounding the place was one of eerie desolation, with the once imposing structure now standing as a ghostly relic of times gone by. As they stepped out of their vehicle, the adharv couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension mingled with curiosity. The building loomed before them, its weathered facade bearing the scars of years of neglect. Damaged rooftops and broken windows spoke of a place long forgotten, while wild bushes and tangled vines threatened to reclaim the property from the grasp of civilization.

Bethany used the key to open the door. Upon entering, they found a dark and empty room filled with dusty wooden desks and chairs. Camila switched on the lights, revealing a seemingly ordinary space. They descended into the storage area, where the atmosphere changed, resembling a layer. In one room, there was a bed where Adharv gently placed Jewels. Camila accompanied Bethany to another room, leaving Adharv alone with Jewels for a moment before closing the door.

Joining Bethany and Camilla in the room, Adharv found himself in what appeared to be an investigator's headquarters. The walls were adorned with an array of paper cuttings, files, and photographs, forming a collage of information that spoke volumes about the sinister activities that had taken place within the confines of the old police station.

As his eyes swept over the evidence laid out before him, Adharv's heart skipped a beat at the sight of familiar faces among the images. There, among the rows of photographs, were Captain Felix, his stern visage captured in black and white, and to Adharv's astonishment, there were also images of his own parents and himself.

Intrigued and unnerved in equal measure, Adharv realized that these photographs must have been taken during his parents' visited him.

As he pieced together the puzzle before him, Adharv couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him like a heavy fog. What secrets were hidden within the walls of this abandoned building, and what role did he and his own family play has to do with all these happening.

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