Chapter 5: Home

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Anna's POV

It has been an hour since Elsa went in that room and she still hasn't came out. Me and my husband started to get a little worried about her. Ever since we just found out that Y/n was Elsa's son, we were all happy for her, but we were worried about how he ended up like this. It hurted us when he was taken from us and now he's back home with marks all over his body.

Earlier Kristoff told me that he had a feeling of what may have happened to him. And when the doctor told us about his condition it made my blood boil on the inside. Who would ever want to harm a small innocent child. I wanted to punch the people who harmed my little nephew. Kristoff felt the same way but helps calm me down for Y/n's sake.

After a few minutes passed we decided to check on the two. As soon as we entered we were met with the cutest sight ever. Elsa was laying in the bed while holding a sleeping Y/n in her arms. Who is currently laying on top of her. When she heard US enter the room, she gushered us to be silent, quietly both me and Kristoff walk over to the bed side.

Anna: "How is he?"

Elsa: "He fell asleep after a while, he held on to me the whole time, and I wouldn't let go of him."

Now that's just so adorable.

After so many years she finally was having a mother and son time. Since the little boy was asleep, I had to ask her something personal.

Anna: "Did he tell you anything?"

Elsa: "He didn't need to because I already know, I could tell who probably abused him from the way he was crying."

She looks down and gently brushes his hair to the side.

Elsa: "The doctor told me how much damage could have been done if he continued to stay there."

Anna: "What do you mean?"

Elsa: "Well he said..."

A moment of science before she spoke.

Elsa: "He could have been dead if we didn't bring him here."

Anna: "WHAT?"

Kristoff: "Not too loud."

I just realized my nephew is still sleeping and he still needed rest. I felt bad so I quietly apologized.

Anna: "Sorry..."

Elsa: "It's okay."

Now that was bone chilling to me. I'm glad my husband brought our nephew back here. He explained to me earlier that he found Y/n out there in the North mountain. I was curious on how he was out there but I decided not to push any further. Kristoff said that he probably ran away from them but he doesn't know how far away he must have traveled.

Elsa: "The doctor explained, that he had bruised ribs, cuts on his arms from a blade,  and he was lacking a lot of hydration."

Now that just made me more angrier. The people who were raising Y/n were also starving him to death. From what she's saying if he stayed there any longer he could have been dead in the next few days.

Well we can thank Kristoff for finding him out there because now he's safe.

Anna: "What is wrong with people?"

Elsa: "I don't know, but we won't have to worry about them."

Kristoff: "What do you mean?"

Elsa: "He's coming home after the doctor comes back."

Now I am very happy to hear that, my long last nephew is coming home.

I place my hand on her shoulder, I gave her a soft smile, and she returns the same smile back. Before slowly looking down at her sleeping son.

Frozen Heart (ABUSED and Neglected Male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now