CHAPTER 5: Real eyes, realize lies

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After applying dry shampoo to give my hair life and rid it of diner grease. I wear a black t-shirt crop top and dark high waisted straight jeans that make my ass (none existent) look great.

Matching the outfit with a cropped leather jacket, dark green ankle boots with a square heel and toe.

I'm on my 2nd glass of pre-game champagne when America's date knocks on the door. She is in my white off-the-shoulder crop top, a black leather miniskirt and black sandal heels.

Jessica is wearing knee length block boots and a dark brown halter neck, mini dress with a deep back.

"Guys, this is John B." America introduces when we get inside his black Ford Capri. "And that's Odie and Jessica, my housemates."

"Nice to meet you," he's looking at us through the rearview mirror.

Okay, side note because John B is a certified hottie.

Cheesy schoolboy grin with a side of dimples. Curly brown hair and hooded brown eyes to match. He also has a sleeve tattoo and some dainty ink on his ring filled fingers.

"Us too." Jessica tosses her cigarette out the window.

I expect us to go to a party at fraternity row but we pass the campus sign and end up in some dive bar 30 minutes away from our house.

"I thought you said we were going to a party?" Jessica shrugs on a long brown jacket.

"This is it." John B is pointing at the bar we're standing in front of but all I can focus on is him.

Holy crap, this boy is tall. He must 6'3 if not 6'4ft.

"Tommy won a bet against a prick from Princeton so the father is letting us throw a party at his joint, free of charge." He connects his hand with America's.

"Who's Tommy?" I mouth but she just shrugs as we walk towards the entrance.

True to his word the bar is packed when we walk in. Someone immediately gives us jelly shots as we remove our jackets and look for empty seats.

"Text me when you want to leave." America waves when John B pulls her away.

"More shots?" Jessica suggests.

"Definitely." I spot a bar in the opposite direction.

This must be a sports crowd party because most of the males here are either tall or huge, body wise.

"Oh no—no—no." A tall African-American boy that looks like Keith Powers appears out of thin air. "You guys are getting your drinks express."

"Excuse me?" Jess arches a perfect brown.

"America sent me." He smiles and resembles the famous actor even more. "I'm Tommy, well Thomas Ferguson but please call me Tommy."

"Tommy?" Jessica folds her arms. "How do we really know America sent you?"

"Because John B is my housemate." He points to the couple dancing by the stage, "and she said, 'please get Vecker and Jess drinks' when she saw you walk to the bar."

He imitates a girly voice that makes Jessica bite a smile.

"Are you Jess and Vecker? Because if you're not—"

"We are." I answer, "But what does express mean?"

"It means no line for you two and everything is on the house." He signals and the bartender puts a tray full of shots in front of us. "Sydney these are my friends, please take care of them tonight."

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