Chapter 1☆

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The alarm clock's loud beep had Beyonce jolting awake in a frantic state, realization crashing over her like a wave — she was late for work again. Groaning under physical exhaustion, she pushed herself out of the tangled sheets, the reminders of a restless night's sleep.

The room is dimly lit by Ava's night light as Beyonce hurriedly gets out of bed inorder to get ready. Looking in the mirror she notes her tired eyes, each dark circle reflects the demanding nights of juggling parenthood and relentless grind of the restaurant. Yet, In the middle of the chaos, her daze couldn't help but drift towards the peaceful innocence of her daughter.

Ava, was cuddled into the warm covers completely on her moms side of the bed, oblivious to her mothers struggles. Beyonce's heart swelled with conflicting emotions, love for her daughter but also the feeling of not being good enough to be her mother. She couldn't help but think that Ava deserved more than the struggling tired mother she'd become.
The desire for a better future for having a daughter weighs heavy on her heart, a silent plea for a chance at something more than the relentless cycle of survival.
"Mama" She heard Ava's quiet voice as she stirred awake "Good Morning, baby" beyonce says as she picks her up

With Ava's tiny body clutching on to Beyonce's as if she wanted to be in her skin, Beyonce takes a deep breath studying her apartment. The morning has been absolutely dreadful with an unlimited amount of tasks, getting herself and Ava dressed, preparing a quick breakfast with what little food they had left, and making sure everything was in place for the day. She glances at the clock, a reminder of the minutes passing as she is already late for her job.

Dialing Kelly's number, Beyonce's heart filled with gratuite at all the support her best friend had provided her. Each ring heighted the anticipation, as the phone rang. When kelly's soothing voice filled the air Beyonce relaxed with relief.

"Hey Kelly it's me" Beyonce greeted

"Hey Bey, what's up?" Kelly replied

" I hate to ask, but can you do me a huge favor? I've got a shift at the restaurant, and I was wondering if you can watch Ava for a bit. It's just for today" Beyonce explained, She has always hated to have been the type of person to depend on someone
Without hesitation Kelly's response came in "Of course girl! Don't even worry about it. I'll be there in a heartbeat. Ava and I can have a little playdate no problem."

A sigh of relief left Beyonce's mouth as she thanked Kelly for her kindness. With reassurance that Ava would be in caring hands. After hanging up, Beyonce stole a glance at Ava, who was babbling while in her highchair. Unaware of all the responsibility's her mother had to go through everyday. With a big grin, Beyonce scooped Ava into her arms showering her with an unlimited amount of kisses

"Mommy's got to go to work, sweetheart" She whispered, the words a promise of determination and love. As she handed Ava over to Kelly, who started to babble while playing in her hair.

As Beyonce traveled through the loud city, the warmth of Kelly's friendship lingered like a comforting embrace, happy that she met the kind girl when they were just kids.

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