Chapter 2 ☆

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Although Onika had a very busy life, Onika's loneliness still became a constant silent conversation that unfolded in the quiet corners of her house. The beautiful decor, while it could show her great taste couldn't get rid of the hollowness that accompanied her. Of Course she still had her mother,sister, and bestfriend but that wasn't the company she was yearning for.

Onika's social calendar, filled with professional engagements and legal events. The glittering galas and networking events, where she was often surrounded by her colleagues and their plus ones which only made the feeling of isolation feel bigger.

As the city lights flickered outside of her office window during the evenings, Onika's thoughts often drifted to the possibilities of forming deeper connections. The desire for someone to share the details of her day, the triumphs and challenges of her law firm, and the quiet moments of vulnerability weighed on her heart.

In those vulnerable moments Onika often questioned the sacrifices she had made for her career and how it impacted her personal life.

She couldn't help but think the success was worth not having that special connection with someone.

Onika's Point of View
The Evening unfolded in the warm glow of the unscale restaurant where Rihanna, Lo and I had gathered for a night out. We settled in our sets talking about how each of our days went. As I was talking I saw our server approaching our table with a genuine smile on her face, her smile is so beautiful .

"Good evening, ladies. My name is Beyonce, and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Are there any special preferences or dietary restrictions I should be aware of?" Beyoncé's professionalism carried a warmth that immediately made me drawn to her.

Rihanna, always one to try different food, decided to start with the chef's special , which was quesadillas. Lo on the other hand, decided to go with a classic chicken caesar salad, the go-to choice in any restaurant. As for me, I choose chicken alfredo pasta, a reliable favorite when choosing from a new menu.

Amidst the exchange of laughter and the clinking of my utensils, my attention was subtly drawn to Beyonce and how beautiful she looked as she went from table to table. Her professional demeanor had caught my eye and I found myself curious about the person behind the kind, genuine smile.

"I see the way you looking at her, you not slick bitch" Rihanna says laughing loudly after

I chuckled, attempting to deny it"no I was just admiring the scenery"

Lo joined in, her eyes narrowing playfully. "Mhmm"

As the Evening continued on, so did our conversation. We shared stories, dreams and aspirations, the atmosphere being more lovely with each passing moment. However, my thoughts remain on mysterious Beyonce,

During a pause in the conversation, I observed Beyonce attending another table. Her poise was very striking, yet there was a hint of something more beneath the surface. It was as if there were chapters in her life waiting to be revealed.

Rihanna, who is very observant, leaned in a whispered, "You should talk to her"

Lo chimed in, "yeah, you never know. She might be the connection you've been longing for."

Their words lingered in my mind as I thought about the idea. The inner conflict between my professional commitment and personal desires intensified, as I questioned whether or not a connection with someone like Beyonce was a leap worth taking. 

The desert menu arrived, and Beyonce, with that same warm smile, guided us through the tempting selections. Rihanna and Lo exchanged glances, then they both looked at me silently telling me to say something. 

With a newfound determination,  I decided to actually say something instead of just admiring her. As Beyonce approached our table, I began to chicken out but I somehow mustered up the courage to actually engage in a conversation with her."Beyonce, your recommendations have been amazing. Tell me what's your favorite dessert on the menu?"

Her smile widened, a spark of genuine joy in her eyes.

Beyonce's response to my question about her favorite dessert accompanied by a genuine enthusiasm that lit up her entire face. She shared her personal favorite, a decadent chocolate lava cake, with a description so vivid it was almost as if she wanted me to experience the delight she found in it.

In that moment, our exchange went beyond the typical customer-server interaction. It was as if a connection had sparked. As she spoke I found myself captivated not just by the dessert recommendation but the person behind the professional demeanor.

Rihanna and Lo exchanged approving glances, recognizing the subtle shift in dynamics. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring Beyonce into my world, offering a glimpse of companionship I hadn't realized I was missing.

815 words
Should I make it so Beyoncé and Onika meet again the store where Onika also meets Ava? Or should I wait and have Onika keep going to the restaurant until they become friends?

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