Chapter 9☆

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I don't really like this chapter but🤷🏽‍♀️
As the raindrops splattered on the window, Eliza sat alone in her dimly lit room, the flickering light revealed the haunted contours of her face. Memories of a time when happiness was in her life, like the rain that once danced with her and lily, haunted the corners of her mind
"We have everything we need right here," Marcus said,twirling a 4 year old Lily in his arms.

"But we could have more," Eliza replied, a glint of hope in her eyes

And for a while they did have more. Lily's laughter echoed through their home, a melody to both their ears that drowned out the distant thunder of Marcus's unresolved past. But storms, once dormant, have a way of resurfacing.

The first phase came in the form of Marcus growing discontent. It started with Eliza he would slowly stop showing affection towards her and then it was Lily he completely shut her out getting irritated with everything she did. Eliza dismissed it though as she thought he was just having a hard time at work

But then one day it took a dark turn- a day etched into Eliza's memory like a scar that never faded. The air was thick with tension as Marcus, having issues, unleashed a strong outburst of anger.

"You can't escape it Eliza!" He yelled, he eyes reflecting anger that sent shivers down her spine

But instead of seeking refuge in the warmth of their love, Marcus took his temper out on Lily. In the moment off unforgivable fury, the storm within him lashed out , leaving devastation in its wake.Eliza, frozen in horror, witnessed the innocence of their daughter being swallowed by his rage.

"Lily! No!" She screamed a scream of horror, the echo of her voice drowned out by the thunder outside.

The storm within Marcus left as quickly as it had came, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Lily the vibrant soul who was just dancing with her mother, now layed motionless.

As Eliza cradled Lily's lifeless body,the rain outside mirrored the tears that fell from her eyes.The storm within Marcus had stolen their daughter, and Eliza's heart became cold

"You did this! You killed our daughter!" She screamed

Marcus his eyes reflecting a mix of guilt and remorse , could only offer an apology. "I didn't mean for it to happen,Eliza" he says, he voice cracking as he looked down at Lily he face unrecognizable.

The acceptance was a bitter pill to swallow- a truth more painful than anything she had ever dealt with before. The rain outside once a source of joy, now mirrored the tears that stained her cheeks.
——-flashback over——
As the years crawled by, Eliza withdrew from the world. The vibrant woman became a mere whisper of her former self.

Eliza had discovered that Marcus had moved on, not caring about the pain he had inflicted. It was then that Eliza had learned of Ava.

A fire ignited within Eliza- field by grief,hatered, and the need for justice. Ava, to her, became more than just a child; she was a vessel for closure, a way to fill the void left by lily's absence. Eliza believed that taking Ava away, she could somehow balance the scales of the injustice that had marked her existence.

The plan took shape in the shadows of her grief stricken mind. Eliza's obsession with revenge became a force that propelled her forward, a current that would drown anyone in its path. Ava, innocent and oblivious to want was to happen would be the conduit for Eliza's vengeance.
The flickering light casted shadows on Eliza's face as she plotted each step. The room, once filled with laughter of a family, now became a breeding ground to take the laughter from someone else's family.

A soft knock echoed through the silence. Eliza opened the door to find a shadow form her past- the mysterious informant who had fed her stuff about Marcus new life.

"You ready, Eliza?' The informant asked, his voice a raspy whisper

" I've been for the past year" she answered with a sinister smile

She was prepared to face anything in her way and knowing that Beyoncés family doesn't life that close she knew it would take much to take Ava.

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