Chapter 7 ☆

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I'm changing Ava age to 2 because then she can talk 🙃
I literally don't know what to write for the next chapter😪😪
The confrontation with Marcus left the apartment heavy with the echoes of unresolved pain. As the door slammed shut, Beyonce stood there, Ava clinging to her, innocence in her eyes contrasting with the storm that had just passed.

Beyonce, her heart still pounding from the encounter, gently guided Ava to the small couch. She could feel the weight of Marcus's presence still lingering in the room, a reminder of a past she had fought hard to escape.

Ava, sensing her mother's distress, toddled over and plopped herself onto Beyonce's lap, babbling incoherent words of comfort. Beyonce couldn't help but smile at the adorable attempt, feeling a surge of warmth in the midst of chaos.

"We don't need him, Ava," Beyonce whispered, her voice a soothing balm. "We have each other, and that's enough."

Beyonce contemplated the complexity of the situation. Marcus's sudden reappearance had torn open wounds she thought were healing, exposing the fragility of the peace she had built for herself and Ava.

In the quiet of the apartment, Beyonce decided it was time to seek legal protection for herself and Ava.

Beyonce, her eyes filled with worry and resolve, picked up her phone and dialed Onika's number. " Onika," she began, her voice steady but laden with the weight of the situation, "Marcus showed up at my apartment yesterday. I don't know what to do, Oni."

Onika's calm voice was heard " Beyonce, come to the law firm. Bring Ava with you. We'll figure this out together."

An hour later, Beyonce and Ava arrived at the law firm. Ava, sensing her mother's tension, clung to Beyonce's side as they entered Onika's office.

When Ava saw Onika her face lit up and she pointed to the ground wanting her mother to put her down, to which Beyonce complied. Ava then waddled over to Onika with her arms open. "Hey, my little munchkin" Onika says as she swoops Ava into her arms.

Onika then greets Beyonce while gesturing for her to sit. " Beyonce tell me everything you know" Onika says getting right into business.

Beyonce, taking a seat, poured out the details of Marcus's reappearance. The threats, the fear, and emotional stain- all laid bare in the conversation with Onika.

Onika listened intently, her legal mind already formulating a plan. " We'll file a restraining order immediately, Beyonce. No one should make you feel unsafe, especially in your own home. Ava," she added, turning to the little girl, who was starting to get bored, " do you like coloring? I have some fun crayons here."

Ava's eyes lit up with excitement, and she nodded. " es' nini"

~ The day of the hearing (I didn't feel like finishing the first part)
On the day of the hearing, Beyonce, accompanied by Onike, entered the courtroom. The air was tense, charged with anticipation and the weight of the legal proceedings.

Onika, dressed in her professional attire, stood by Beyonce's side as they faced the judge. The room, usually echoing with hushed tones of legal discourse, now bore witness to the personal struggle of a mother fighting for the safety of her child.

The legal arguments unfolded, a careful dance of words and evidence presented by Onika. Beyonce, though anxious, felt a surge of strength each time she thought about Ava, a living reminder of why she was enduring this ordeal.

Marcus's lawyer, a slick individual attempting to paint a facade of redemption, presented his case. " Your Honor, my client acknowledges past mistakes, but he has undergone therapy and is committed to rebuilding a relationship with his child."

Beyonce, sitting with Onika, felt a mixture of anger and disbelief at Marcus's attempt to manipulate the narrative. Onika, sensing Beyonce's frustration, prepared to counter the defense's narrative.

The judge, a stern figure peering over the rim of his glasses, interrupted the defense, " Counselors and therapy sessions are commendable, but we must consider the safety and well-being of the child. Ms. Knowles, do you have anything you'd like to add?"

Beyonce, taking a deep breath, stood up. " Your Honor. I appreciate the acknowledgement of rehabilitation, but I can't forget the nights of fear, the emotional scars, and the impact it had on both me and my daughter."

Beyonce continued, her voice unwavering, " Ava is only two. She's at an age where every experience shapers her perception of the world. I can't allow her to be exposed to a relationship that was marred by violence and instability."

Onika, seizing the moment, added, " Your Honor, we are not denying the possibility of rehabilitation but it is our duty to ensure that Ava grows up in an environment that prioritizes her safety and emotional well-being."

The defense lawyer. Realizing the emotional impact of Beyonce's testimony, attempted to salvage the situation. " Your Honor, my client has changed. He's seeking a chance to be a father to his daughter. We urge you to consider the toll it might take on her to not have that parental figure in her life."

The judge, after a contemplative pause, addresses Marcus directly. " Mr. Brown, while the court acknowledges your efforts towards rehabilitation, the evidence presented raises concerns about the potential impact on the child. Therefore, in the best interest of the child, the court will issue a restraining order until further evaluation and counseling deem it appropriate to revisit this decision."

The weight of the courtroom drama began to lift as the judge's decision marked a temporary victory for Beyonce, Onika , and Ava.

As they left the courtroom, Onika, pleased with the outcome, whispered words of encouragement to Beyonce, "This is just the beginning, Bey. We'll continue to fight for Ava's safety, every step of the way.

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