Day 1 [soft kisses]

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Prompt fill: soft kisses
Romantic pairing
Niko x AJ

Niko stepped into the bathroom and was immediately hit by the hot air that was floating around the room. The mirror and the shower wall glass were foggy, and music was playing on full volume.

Niko grinned at the figure moving around in the shower and singing along. 

Turning the sound off, he chuckled at the offended noise Aj made and turned to the cabinet over the sink.

"Are you trying to peel yourself out of your skin or do you just like being a prune," he took out his and Aj's toothbrushes and put toothpaste on both of them.

Aj turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a big white towel and wrapping himself up in it.

"I was relaxing," he tried to justify, practiced moves massaging the moisturiser in his skin.

Niko just shook his head amused and held out Aj's toothbrush for him. "I can see the redness and the wrinkles, sweetheart."

Aj took the offered item and started cleaning his teeth. "Niko?", he moved closer to his boyfriend.


Aj softly nudged the toothbrush in Niko's mouth to the side and laid a finger over Niko's lips.


Niko rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed the edges of the towel to pull Aj closer to himself.

His boyfriend settled against his chest and sighed quietly. The only sound heard was the silent movement from the teeth brushing and their in-sink breathing.

God, Niko had missed that feeling all day. He had been so stressed and hadn't been home at all.

He loved this so much. Being able to hold Aj and just to exist together, completely at peace.

It amazed him time and time again, just how perfectly he and Aj fit. Whether they were finishing each others sentences, practically reading each others minds, or just sitting there, contently basking in each others presence.

Oftentimes, Aj could be found lounging on the carpeted floor, Niko attached to his back, leaning over him and obscuring Aj's view while planting kisses all across Aj's face.

Niko really liked kissing Aj. Fleeting kisses on the cheek or smiling so big they were basically laughing in each others mouths, teeth clashing. Make out sessions during shoots or kissing Aj's hands while holding them.

Niko leaned over sink and spit out. "We have plans tomorrow?" He quickly cleaned his toothbrush and moved to the side to let Aj spit out as well.

"Nah, don't think we have," Aj started rubbing the towel over his head to get the wetness out of his hair. "Sharky mentioned he wants to come over sometime, but he'll call before. Why?"

Niko shrugged, and knowing Aj couldn't see him answered, "No reason. Just like spending time with my boyfriend and all that."

He leaned closer to the mirror to apply his moisturiser and involuntarily bit his lip to keep down a smile when he felt Aj's lips press against bis back between his shoulder blades.

Out of all the little kisses and touches Aj had saved just for him, Niko liked those kisses the best.

Niko remembered the first time Aj had kissed him that way. He had been standing in the kitchen, cleaning a pan in the sink, when two arms had suddenly wrapped around him. Then Aj had pressed his face into Niko's back and mumbled out a soft 'I love you', before he placed the softest, most loving kiss right where he had whispered the confession. That had been the very first time Aj had told Niko he loved him in their relationship and god, he wouldn't change it for the world.

Since then, Niko had become obsessed with the way Aj would press against him to kiss the highest place he could comfortably reach without going on his  tippy toes.

Those kisses were never once heated or placed there with any sexual intent, only ever serving as a shy but domestic reminder that Aj payed attention to Niko's whereabouts. 

Aj said 'I love you' much more freely now, but the giddy sensation in Niko's stomach everytime Aj kissed his back still wouldn't go away. Quietly, Niko thought to himself, he wished it never would, as it brought him back to that very first and perfect kiss all those years ago.

"Guess he likes spending time with you as well, schmuck", Aj spoke against his back, kissing there one more time before moving away and walking out of the bathroom, finding some boxers to put on and climbing into the bed.

When Niko came out of the bathroom, he smiled softly at Aj making himself comfortable in their bed and climbed in next to him.

Quickly putting out the lights, he rubbed his hands over Aj's shoulder, moving them over his neck and pulling him gently against his chest. Leaning down the slightest, he placed a barley there kiss on top of Aj's head and nuzzled into his curls.

Aj's hand holding onto the sleep shirt fabric over Niko's chest tightened briefly and and he raised his head to nudge Niko's nose with his and lean in for a kiss.

Out of all the little kisses and touches Niko had saved just for him, Aj liked those kisses the best.

Aj remembered the first time Niko had kissed him that way. He had been making a joke about some random topic, when he had felt Niko's hand on his shoulder, drifting towards the back of his neck. Not expecting anything different than when one of the other boys pulled him in for a side hug, he had leant into the touch. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Niko had leant down a bit and kissed the top of his head before nuzzling his hair.

Out of reflex he had raised his head, until they had been face to face, mere inches apart. Niko had looked very determined then, and asked 'will you go on a date with me?'. Dumbfounded Aj had only just managed to nod, and to watch in amazement as Niko's face had lit up and he confidently placed a peck at the corner of his mouth. 

They had obviously graduated to full-on lip kisses now, but the swooping sensation in Aj's stomach every time Niko kissed his head still wouldn't go away. Quietly, Aj thought to himself, he wished it never would, as it brought him back to that very first and perfect kiss all those years ago.

Moving his body just that tiny bit closer, Aj cuddled into Niko's body and smiled against his chest when Niko's arms tightened around him.

Lifting his head up for a moment, Aj breathed a sleepy 'I love you' against Niko's lips, before falling asleep in his boyfriends arms.

~ the end

[1121 words]

[Not bad as a start I hope, that was fun and felt very productive not gonna lie. I'm trying to keep the word count between 1000 - 2000 words. I'm so excited to see if I can keep this up, since Fluffebruary was a very intuitive decision and the one-shots aren't prewritten lol]

[GMT+1 times updating btw, but no specific hours]

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