Day 9 [eye contact]

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Prompt fill: eye contact
(Pre-)romantic pairing
AJ x Sharky

"If they don't lips soon, I'mma scream." Chunkz whispered to Kenny.

Niko sniggered into the back of his hand and leant in closer to the two. "You ain't seen nothing yet, I have to sit through movie nights with them both."

Kenny tilted his head to the side, "but how often does that even happen, bro?"

Niko looked at him for a second as if he were a camera in 'the office'. "You don't wanna known."

"Why you always there with them then?" Chunkz laughed.

Niko gasped offended, "That's my living room as well, you heathen. No amount of tension will get me outta there."

He pointed a finger at his friends, "and I'm your gossip source, so sush."

Kenny raised his hands appeasingly. "Geez, I'm sorry, your efforts are very  appreciated." He rolled his eyes amused when Niko sniffed, "damn right they are."

"What do you reckon is it gonna take for them to stop their gazing?" Chunkz interjected.

"An earthquake." Kenny said knowingly, staring at Aj and Sharky, who were sitting opposite to each other, locked in their own little world.

They had met up to discuss their next few videos and hang out together, but then Sharky had made a comment about something Aj said, and they began talking more quietly among themselves.

Their interaction had started with asking how their day went so far and had graduated until that very moment, where they were mostly just staring at each other, making random comments that went unanswered to mask the illusion of an ongoing conversation.

Chunkz shook his head and replied, "that's a bit excessive," the same time as Niko answered with, "nah, that's not gonna cut it." 

They looked at each other for a second before Niko began arguing. "I see them giggling with each other during movies all the time! It doesn't matter what is happening, even if there was an earthquake, they wouldn't notice!"

Chunkz opened his mouth in protest, "The fuck you're on about, we're talking about real earthquakes here. There's no way. They're gone on each other but they're still aware!"

Niko shook his head. "No, they aren't! That's what I mean, they won't notice anything!"

Chunkz looked at him slightly disbelieving, one brow raised. Kenny hummed, eyes still trailing over their friends. "Chunkz, you have to consider, they don't even make sense right now. They're literally talking nonsense."

Chunkz looked up at Aj and Sharky and tried to focus on what they were saying.

"I bought chocolate chips for baking yesterday," Sharky put his hand on the table, never breaking eye contact.

Aj giggled and laid his hand into Sharky's. "I also bake."

They kept staring at each other, smiling softly and repeating themselves again and again.

"I also cook." Aj nodded, leaning closer.

"That's so cool, I bake sometimes." Sharky mentioned, stroking over Aj's knuckles.

"That's actually horrifying." Chunkz said repulsed. "Where did their brains go?"

"See?" Niko repeated. "An earthquake might not be enough."

"We should test that theory," Kenny looked at them from the side, raising his brows mischievously.

Chunkz got up and walked over to the desk where their friends were sitting. He pulled out a third chair and folded his hands on the table top.

Holding eye contact with Niko and Kenny, he said in his most serious tone, "Mandem, I drove over a dog this morning." 

His friends caught on and pulled out their own chairs, settling down and taking on similar positions as Chunkz.

"That sounds like a horrible thing, don't it Aj?" Niko was the first to address one of them directly.

Aj smiled at Sharky and nodded, "yeah, really."

"I, for my part, think the dog deserved it." Kenny remarked, turning to Sharky with a grin. "Don't you agree Sharks?"

"Very, very." Sharky answered, still holding eye contact with Aj and squeezing his hand softly.

"I actually did it on purpose as well." Chunkz nodded and started reenacting the imaginary szene with his hands on the table. "I was driving the car, a lamborghini actually, and the dog just walked there on the sidewalk. I said not today brother and drove over it." He gestured around and let his hands hit to symbolise the crash.

Niko gasped fake offended, "how dare you, and it was a therapy dog as well?"

Chunkz laughed, "yeah, but me and Aj don't care about that, innit?"

"Of course," Aj smiled, looking up at Sharky through his lashes, head turned down and to the side a bit, never stopping their intense stare.

Sharky got up out of nowhere and pulled Aj up by his hand. "Wanna see the kitchen?" 

Aj nodded quickly and walked up next to Sharky, hands swinging interlinked between them, as they walked out of the living room. "Where are we going?"

"Oh my god!" Niko groaned in annoyance behind their backs. "How is this happening?"

"The dog story was too much for them." Keny shook his head in faux disappointment before the three of them burst out laughing.

In the kitchen, the other two boys were standing close together, toes touching and arms around the others neck.

Sharky was looking down into Aj's eyes, smiling fondly. He didn't know how long they had been standing there, or even how they got here, but being this close to Aj made it all somehow worth it.

Looking at Aj was probably his very favourite thing to do. His soft skin and loose curls framing his face and by the gods, his eyes.

Sharky could look into Aj's eyes forever and ever. They were dark brown and so full of emotion every single second, it took his breath away. When Aj was excited or happy, his eyes would shine like the stars. And Sharky really wasn't a poet or someone who cared much about waxing sonnets about a single feature of somebody, but looking in Aj's eyes and getting lost in their depth, had him typing out paragraphs in his mind.

He had never really thought about the possibility of them dating, to be honest, but now, slowly moving closer and leaning in, the tension becoming so thick he could cut it with a knife, he thinks they had always been heading this way.

Ever since the first time he saw that look in Aj's eyes, he had been hooked. That look, that was always accompanied by the softest smile and now, a breathed out, "Sharks."

Yeah, he thought, as their lips finally connected. He would write books about Aj's eyes.

After they were done kissing, though. Everything could wait until they were done kissing.

Even the boys and their story about the cat Chunkz adopted today.

~the end

[1127 words]

[It's finally holidays for a week, my brain has been so fried the last few days. I'mma have time to focus on the writing during break so I hope I can get a tiny headstart on the rest days of Fluffebruary, cause it's actually kinda hard staying consistent.]

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