Day 12 [misunderstanding]

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Prompt fill: misunderstanding
Romantic pairing
Niko x AJ

Generally speaking, Niko was kinda soft. He was kind and quick to hug and comfort, he was a horrible liar, and he really wasn't the type of person to hurt or punch another human being. Generally speaking.

Sometimes, though, he'd kind of forget that with his size and build, he wasn't exactly powerless. So he'd throw stuff or get annoyed as a joke while underestimating his actual strength.

That didn't make him a violent person by any means, Chunkz knew that. He also knew that living together with someone else could be challenging sometimes, and although Niko and Aj got along incredible well, everyone has disagreements from time to time.

That was about as normal as it could be. 

And Niko is his brother, he'd never throw him under the bus like that, Chunkz doesn't even think Niko is capable of hurting Aj at all, really. He would also never insinuate anything he wasn't a hundred percent sure of.


But please, someone tell him now why Aj had a cut on his left cheek and Niko's knuckles were bruised.

Someone tell him right the fuck now why when he he asked Aj about it he stumbled - stumbled! over his words before he managed to get out a "fell against a wall" and then practically running away.

Someone please tell him why when he asked Niko about his hand, he stared at him for a very long moment, averted his eyes and then said he fell against a wall as well!

Chunkz wasn't stupid. Brother's scrapped sometimes, and while he couldn't remember a time when they had actually punched each other in an argument, accidents did happen, and yes, sometimes someone got hurt. But that was always minor, very rare, and not ever had anyone in their group lied about it.

And Niko and Aj were clearly lying.

Still, he wasn't one to just make assumptions, so he tried not to think about it. For some reason, that proved harder than he thought. Not knowing what had happened was like an itch he couldn't scratch.

And then a few days later, Aj's jumper rose up and revealed the dark imprint of a hand around his wrist, and something in him opened a lazy eye.

He watched silently, still not telling anyone about his thoughts, and observed.

What he found was concerning. So concerning, that he called Sharky, Kenny and Darkest over to tell them about it, even though it hurt his heart to even assume something like this about his brother.

"Are you mental?" Kenny asked incredulously. "Niko? Crying-over -movies and carrying-Aj-to-bed Niko?"

Chunkz sighed resigned, "I know, I know how that sounds okay?" He let his hands drag over his face. "I don't want it to be true, it's just that I've noticed a few things and I don't know what to do about it."

"Okay," Sharky replied calmly. "Tell us everything that made you worry and then we'll reevaluate the situation. You said they're coming in 15?" Chunkz nodded. "Then we have plenty of time to talk about it."

Chunkz looked at them for a short while, trying to foresee their reactions. Kenny was very clearly doubtful, not wanting to even entertain the idea of Niko hurting Aj in any way, and Chunkz couldn't say how thankful he was for that, someone to be in Niko's corner when right now he just couldn't be there himself.

Sharky was trying to keep an open mind, or as opend minded as someone could be, when having heard his brother might have hit his other brother.

Darkest didn't seem to have any opinion on it, but Chunkz could see the fire behind his eyes, how closely he was listening to everything Chunkz said and the readiness to protect Aj at all costs.

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