Day 10 [jealously]

705 6 3

Prompt fill: Jealousy
Pre-romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

Aj didn't actually think much about it, when he posted it.

It was just a silly little story post on instagram. He had done a few of the q&a's, and one of them had been the question 'when are u gonna grow'.

At that time he had been with Chunkz and let him take a picture of him from a higher up perspective. Just before he clicked on the shutter button, he said something that made Aj look up at him adorably sad.

In the resulting picture, he was pouting and captioned it 'sad now :(' before adding 'Lmaoooooo' as well, considering the caption had nothing to do with the q&a response, and everything with what Chunkz had said to him.

He thought it looked a bit butters but Chunkz had actually squaled after taking the picture and mumbled something about a kitten before booping his nose and then pressing Aj's face into his chest cuddling him tightly.

Aj had been stunned silent for all about two seconds before struggling in his friends hold and laughing disbelieving.

"What the hell, man!" Aj exclaimed, looking up disgruntled and a bit confused.

Chunkz was laughing and raised his arms in surrender, "sorry brother, that was cute aggression."

Aj shook his head snorting, "there ain't no such thing, you shmuck."

Chunkz had smiled down at him, booped his nose again, and then proceeded to laugh as Aj tackled him to the floor.

But that's not the point, anyway. The point is that it was a silly picture that resulted in silly banter between brothers and apparently a few silly fan posts from various accounts that were agreeing with Chunkz's silly cute aggression theory, much to his infuriation.

But that wasn't exactly news, his fans had done crazier things, that was minor.

It definitely didn't explain why Niko was so ticked off about it.

Since he had arrived back at their house with Chunkz, he had been weird about it. Starting with asking if that post had been intentionally and then pulling a face when Chunkz told him the story of how the picture was made and his cute aggression.

He even went so far as to roll his eyes displeased when Aj complained about the nose-booping and the cuddling.

Then, to Aj's everlasting confusion, Niko had turned around and went back into his room, without as much as a 'see you'.

He hadn't responded to Aj's called out "Niko?"'s and even Chunkz's "brother?" didn't do anything. He just walked away and banged the door shut.

Aj won't lie and say that didn't hurt at all because he knows he's a bit emotionally stumped, but even he can admit that it doesn't feel too good, being ignored by his best friend and secret crush for seemingly no reason.

So now he was sitting with Chunkz in their living room, scrolling through some more replies of the q&a and debating from where they should order dinner.

"Are we ordering for Niko as well?" Aj asked Chunkz after a few minutes. Just because he was a bit confused about Niko's attitude didn't mean he wanted his friend to feel left out.

Chunkz looked up from his phone and got off the couch. "I'll go see if he's up for dinner."

Aj put his phone down as well for a moment, "I can go look as well!" It surely wouldn't hurt to check up on Niko and maybe he would tell him what was going on.

But Chunkz was already walking towards the door, "nah, it's fine. Be right back."

Aj frowned to himself and tried to search for something in the stupid picture that would give him a clue as to why Niko was so upset about it.

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