Day 25 [collapsing]

505 8 2

Prompt fill: collapsing
Romantic pairing
AJ x Beta Squad

God, Aj was tired. He slept like hell during the night, and waking up was even more horrible as his eyes just wouldn't open for a few minutes.

His throat was a bit itchy, and the pouning headache behind his eyes made his sight all blurry. Even the thought about any kind of food made his stomach turn, and he barely managed to keep the glass of water down that he tried drinking after brushing his teeth.

He had woken up alone in their gigantic bed, which normally would be unacceptable, and he would go through the trouble of calling his boyfriends one by one until they came and cuddled him for a bit, but this morning he just  quietly made his way to the bathroom.

Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he grimaced at the picture staring back. He looked sick. Which was unacceptable. While Aj could appreciate being coddled from all of his boyfriends on a normal day, that changed drastically when he was sick.

First of all, Aj didn't get sick. Health was a made-up concept of the patriarchy, and everyone who tried to say different was probably bought by their corrupt government.

Secondly, Aj didn't get sick. He was strong and manly, and his immune system was in peccable shape, thank you very much. He felt down sometimes, sure, but ultimately, he didn't get sick. He was just special like that.

Third, Aj hated being sick. He battled viruses on a daily basis, he didn't go out without a jacket, and he made sure to eat healthy. Why would sickness choose him anyway?

And by the gods, his boyfriends always and completely went mad when he was sick. Which, again, he didn't mind the cuddling and all the lovey-dovey stuff when he was feeling fine, but - but.

Should a virus of some kind have succeeded in breaking through his defences, leaving him weakened, what would that same virus do to his beloved boyfriends who were known to disregard proper precautions?

They would die a horrible death, and it would be alone Aj's fault. And no, that wasn't the fever talking, which he could feel creeping in. He was just being reasonable.

Taking one last look in the mirror, he finalised his game plan for today. That consisted of two main ideas, which was one, staying as far away from his boyfriends as possible (the more challenging point), and two, drinking as much water as he could to fight off the sickness symptoms his healthy body was exhibiting with the power of hydration.

Stumbling out of the bathroom and going for the stairs, he squaked startled when he was suddenly lifted in the air by two strong arms and cradled against a firm chest.

Almost in slow-motion, he watched in horror as Kenny came closer and closer until his lips touched Aj's cheek. Damn it. One boyfriend contaminated. Three more to avoid.

"How did you sleep?" Kenny mumbled in his shoulder, frowning a bit when he made contact with Aj's fever warm skin.

What Aj planned on telling him was a lecture of epic proportions about how he was right as rain and shouldn't be lifted up and cuddled due to unrelated heath reasons. What came out of his mouth was a sad whine and unintelligible babble that he muffled into Kenny's shoulder.

"Maybe we'll take it lightly today, mhm?" Kenny didn’t even attempt to let him walk down the stairs by himself and only sat him down on the floor once they were in the living room.

"Imma get you something to drink," Kenny jogged into the direction of the kitchen, and Aj looked around to examine the rest of the room.

Chunkz was sitting in the corner of the couch, Niko's feet in his lap, and apparently, in the middle of an intense debate with Niko about whether or not he should massage them.

Niko's very strong argument was something about boyfriendly duties to which Aj nodded his head, yes he knew that was a thing, and Chunkz countered that with the fact that Niko's feet were so big, he would be sitting here till the next day massaging them. Also very true, and Aj nodded to that as well.

His own feet were pretty small, maybe if he played his cards right, Chunkz could massage them because they wouldn't take long to massage. But no- he remembered, he was contagious and damned to a life of not touching his lovers.

Shaking his head sadly, he realised how dizzy the world actually was. And that weird, high-pitched noise was really irritating as well. Seriously, who turned that on and made his vision go all muddled.

He tried focusing on Sharky, who was sitting by the coffee table, looking at him over his bowl of cereal. Also, his lips were moving. He looked really concerned. If only Aj could hear what he was trying to say. But alas, the stupid noise only got louder, in his blurry vision appeared some black spots, and -  whops, hello floor.

Everything was a bit much and his boyfriends started screaming and the carpet was scraping against his soft skin and maybe he could close his eyes for just one second -

When he opened them again, the light was dimmed and he was laying on a soft surface. Someone was moving a damp cloth over his forhead - not nice. Someone else was massaging his feet - very nice. And another person was tracing shapes into his hand - also very nice.

He blinked and Niko came into focus, wide-eyed and a bit shaken. "Never do that again!" He whispered mortified, wiping nonexistent sweat from his brow again.

For a moment Aj had to think about what it was he wasn't supposed to do again and why Niko would be so affected by it. Then he remembered and groaned softly. Now, all his boyfriends were contaminated.

He had to come up with a foolproof plan to lock them in some sort of quarantine while he waited for his own symptoms to pass. Oh, that was it! He would sneak sleeping pills into their food-

His eyes met Chunkz's, and he minutely shook his head. "Whatever you're thinking right now, it's not gonna happen. You're on bedrest for the next week or so."

Jokes on him, Aj thought narrowing his eyes, he could act out his masterplan from a mountain of pillows just the same. If not better. The second they left him unsupervised-

"You won't be alone for one second, mister. We're keeping watch," Sharky cut in squeezing his hand in what was  probably supposed to be a reassuring way, "don't worry."

He wouldn't, Aj giggled manically on the inside, he was way too healthy to worry. After all, Aj didn't get sick, and after the probably deathly virus would pass, he'd get his revenge in one or two business days.

~the end

[1157 words]

[I was gonna make aj pass out during a shoot or smth, but baby was just so sick he barely made it out of bed. Also fever delulu is my favourite.]

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