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I awoke in a better mood than I ever had before. Ever since that little prey entered my life, things became interesting. I closed my eyes thinking about the little thing that had caught my attention. I had this attraction to be near her, a pull I couldn't quite resist. Not that I minded. She was fun to toy around with. A new game to entertain myself, and well, if the prize happened to be an endearing little bunny who was I to complain?

As I got ready for the day, I couldn't help but overthink my appearance. Did my little prey feel the same way about me? Did she feel the same attraction towards a predator? One she was taught to fear from birth?

Sadly, I wouldn't be able to interact with her today. Too many duties to fulfill on today's agenda. Becoming the future King came with many perks, but it had its downfalls. I could try to sneak a peak at her at some point but that was pushing my luck.

Father was furious when he found out I had given the little thing a dragon scale. I had no problem with fighting back, but if I kept disobeying I knew I wouldn't be the one being punished. I could handle my ass getting scorched, she, probably not so much. There was a pang in my heart at the thought of her being hurt on my behalf. I shook away the feeling. Why do I even care, she's just my plaything. When the time comes I just throw her away and find someone else to toy with.

I felt Callen approach before I heard him. I turned to face my younger brother. He and I looked very similar, with dark hair, dark skin, sharp features, and a rough exterior. Although, we both looked like our father Callen took more features from our mother. Callen resembled Mother by his eyes. While mine were a fiery red, his were a deep blue. Any outsider would call our looks enchanting.

He stood and stared at me from a few feet. I raised my brows in question, then I saw the challenge in his eyes. I grinned. I knew my brother better than anyone in the world; he had something on his mind. And if there was anything that helped me and my brother refocus was a good fight.

Walking forward I rested my hand on his shoulder, "Meet me out at the training ground in ten." With a pat on his shoulder, I walked past him and left to change into a plain button-down shirt and plain trousers. Rolling up the cuffs of my sleeves to the end of my forearms, I glanced in the mirror. Maybe this was what I needed. It would do me good to keep my mind off a certain little bunny that I couldn't seem to shake the thought of.

The sound of my boots echoed through the quiet halls. Guards stationed at the various doors nodded at me as I passed, I glanced at them in acknowledgment. On my way to the training grounds wrapped and flexed my wrists. The maids and staff scurried past keeping their heads ducked low.

I stopped when I reached the castle grounds, admiring the warmth of the sun beaming down on my face. I sighed and wondered what she was doing at this very moment. I was supposed to eat dinner with all the girls tomorrow. I was tasked with trying to interact with every one of those girls. Most of them only came to get in my pants, become the next queen, or simply just to live one week of luxury. Those women didn't interest me. Even when I agreed to fuck them, that was it. A quick fuck. Tomorrow I only wanted to talk to one woman. This woman, she was different. I wanted to tease her and watch and that adorable blush crossed her face. I wanted her to run and me to chase. She is my prey, and that is only fit if I am her predator.

Callen appeared at my side, wearing similar clothes to mine, he nodded toward the field. "Ready?" I nodded and trailed after him. All the guards and warriors stopped their training and practice as we approached. As we stepped onto the field they edged away until it was just me and Callen. I flicked out my dagger from my belt.

"First to draw blood wins?" I questioned, inclining my head at him. I gave a slight nod of his head and I planted my feet into the sand. Adrenaline rushes through me as I prepared to attack. Without another word to signal the start of the spar, we pounced into action. We knew each other well enough to know when were were ready.

He anticipated my move and dodged my blow. Jumping backward, I missed his swing. He came at me with another swing, towards my lower abdomen. This time I caught his wrist, but he must have expected that because quickly shook off my hold and got out of reach. We circled for a moment.

Blood pounding in my ears and the rest of the world disappeared. I focused on Callen. It was just me and my target. I was out for blood, it was simple. Draw blood and it was my victory.

Callen moved first coming at me with agility, but I expected that. Instead of trying to escape the attempt, I went into it throwing him off. I got close enough the slice his upper arm. The cut was clean through his shirt and blood seeped through the thin material.

He grinned at me, both our breathing slightly increased. "Good one, I'll get you next time."

"Sure, you will," I retorted, amused.

His gaze shifted from me to something over my shoulder. His features darkened. I looked over to see the girls that are supposed to be her possible suitors strolling through the courtyard. I rolled my eyes, but then my mind flashed back to a certain petite female. I eyed the group of girls but was surprised to find her not among them.

Everything told me to go over there and demand to know where she was. I tried to push the thought away, thinking of all the other places she could possibly be. But when I spotted the girl that she had tucked into and seemed to find comfort in without, my prey, by her side; I couldn't stop myself from stomping over there. I felt Callen follow behind me.

The girls froze and fell into a customary bow. I went right up to that tall woman that seemed to be her friend.

"Where is she?" I bit out.

She didn't seem nervous like I expected her to, instead, she boldly stared back at me, "I'm not sure. She didn't come back last night." She didn't seem to be lying and he hinted a tone of genuine worrying for her friend.

Gods. Where the hell could she be? She didn't seem like the kind to scamper off, while she may get left behind I think she would have stayed where she thought it was safe. If anyone touched her... I let out a low growl at the thought.

I shouldn't care. I wouldn't care. She meant nothing to me. She was just something I was going to play around with.

I turned and pressed up next to Callen, growling into his ear, "Find her. Now."

Hope you are enjoying the book! I wonder what lengths the Prince will go for to find and catch his prey... 🤔🤭
How are you feeling about the characters so far?

~ Rain
To wherever you are, have a lovely day/night.

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