18.) ARON

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I slipped through the shadows; the treetops of buildings providing coverings. Even though it was the afternoon it was dark and gloomy as I went deeper into the jungle region of the city. I tuned into my surroundings with my senses. The farther you traveled into the regions of the rain forest of swamps the more shady it became. It's where the predators did their business. Predators like me.

I stopped and listened past the crickets chirping to see if I was alone. When I verified I was not being followed I continued through the humid, sketchy parts of the city, weaving in and out of alleyways.

I arrived at a dingy-looking building with vines and moss covering most of its surface. I tucked into the door, with a spray-painted emblem of a gem.

Shutting the door behind me with a click, I turn to be met with a gun pointed at my head. I place a hand on my dagger from instinct. I slowly raise my other hand to flip back the hood of my cloak.

The man lowered his gun. "Gods, Aron. Maybe, knock or let us know you're coming next time."

I let out a laugh and walked past him. "Sorry for the short notice, Dek."

Derek grumbles under his breath and sets the gun down on the table he recently abandoned. He reclaims his seat at the table, in the dimly lit room. He takes a swig from the glass of scotch he pours and lights a cigarette. He gestures for me to take one, but I wave him off. Derek was a few years older than me. We have done jobs and business together a few times, but I didn't come all this way to see him tonight.

I roam the room, observing. I haven't been here in a while and they fixed this place up rather nicely. For a place to stay in between jobs, it wasn't bad.

"Killian here?" I turn, asking Derek.

He leans back and nods to the set of stairs. "Yeah, first door when ya' reach the top." I nod and climb the stairs reaching a small, dark hallway with two doors.

I knock on the door. I'm not usually one to knock, but I was not in the particular mood to walk into anything. I knock once more before I receive an annoyed yell, "What the fuck do you want Derek?"

I swing open the door and walk in to see Killian at a desk looking over papers. "Not Derek," I say gruffly.

"Aron. Always showing up unannounced. Long time no see," he cocks his head to the side, "how are you these days?"

In no mood to mess around, I get right to the point, "I need a way out of the city tonight."

He lets out a humorless laugh, "Never one to mess around. Can I ask why?"

"No," I say straight-faced and take a seat on one of the chairs near the desk. "And I need a way to get out that's the least likely of getting caught. So just sneaky through the border under a different identity is not one of them."

Killian placed down his pen and stroked his beard. "So some people are after ya'?" I don't answer and he nods. I knew Killian for most of my life. Killian was not a good man to most, but he helped set me on my feet. He was intimidating being of alligator descent. He ran an underground fighting ring, one that I had participated in when I was younger. I no longer associate myself with that crowd and expect to kill and hunt down some of the evil fuckers that are involved.

"I could get you smuggled on a ship."

I worried about that for a moment. That was dangerous if we were caught if Anna was found... But what other better option did we have? "That works. To where?"

"Spahian. One city over. Probably be a two-day trip if nothing happens overseas. I could get you on either a fishing boat or a shipment boat."

I nod. That was good, at least. Only two days. It would be easier to not get caught and the chance of getting attacked by pirates. "Alright, what's the price?"

Killian grinned. "8,000 worth in silver," I growled in annoyance; a trip like that was definitely not that price, I opened my mouth to object but he cut me off. "Or do a few jobs for me."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I did not want to do anything for this sick fuck. Sure he had helped me when I was young, but as I grew older I realized he wasn't better than any of those other guys in this industry. *But what choice did I have if I wanted to keep Anna safe?*  "You are asking for a lot you know. For me to find you a way out on such late notice."

"Fine. What do you need me to do?"


I shut the door softly and shrug off my cloak tossing it to the couch. Walking through the entryway I spot Anna and Mako laughing in the tiny kitchen area packing backpacks. The room is illuminated by the setting sunlight in the window. They have clothes and food among other items scattered on the counter.

Anna spots me first and smiles. My chest warms at the sight. "You're back! How did it go?"

"Alright," I grit out. Changing the subject, I ask, "Get some good stuff out at the market?"

Anna had finally shed the cloak and wore a tiny white sundress that hugged her small curves. And fuck me, did I want to peel that tiny little dress off her body.

She pops up from her seat excitedly, "Yeah! It was great. We got a lot of food and I even got my own dagger!" Her own dagger? Does she even know how to wield one? I give Mako a look and he just shrugs.

"Well, that's good," I say. I'm happy that she is opening up to us more. If I ever had a mate I supposed it would be a bit different when we first met, but I'm not upset that Anna was innocent in the way she was. She was new to the idea of mates and I'm glad that she warmed up to me and Mako as friends.

Mako clears his throat and asks Anna, "Can you go get the med kit in the bathroom, Anna? It's right down the hall and the med kit is in the cupboard." She nods and wanders off the find that bathroom.

"So. What's the plan." I take Anna's empty chair and slide a piece of paper out of my pocket and slide it across the counter to him.

He raises his eyebrows as he reads. "Ship leaves at midnight. We should get to the docks at dusk so the guy can hide us away. Two days to Spahian. We can travel through the forest villages and make it to your parents." He nods in agreement. He sets the paper down and points to a list of three names.

"Killian wants me to take them out before we board the ship. It's possible... but if I was going to do it I should have already started—I just..."

Mako sighs. "Is there any other payment option?"

"8,000 in silver." He exhales a breath.

"Of course, Killian would try to fuck us over."

We turn our heads when we hear soft footsteps coming from the hall. "I found it!" She waves the med kit in the air and then stuffs it in the backpack Mako holds open.

"You ever been on a boat?" I ask, and chuckle when she furiously shakes her head.

"We get to go on a boat." She asks leaning toward me eyes wide. I nod my confirmation and she breathes out, "Cool."

Mako looks stuck in thought until he suddenly asks, curiously, "Anna, we could try to find another option but... there might only be one way out of the city. I may have overheard that you have a dragon scale?"

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