14.) MAKO

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Heading straight for the market, I traveled down the shaded, narrow streets. Getting closer to the city harbor's marketplace, the streets widened, letting the afternoon sun beat down. I felt the merciless sun on top of my dark shaved hair.

I shoved my way through the populated and crowded areas of the market and made my way up steps to go more into the city. The architecture changed as I drew near the heart of the city becoming more ornate. Temples were all around me, with a steady flow of people, of different descents, going in and out for prayer of their respected Gods.

I headed for the sanctuary dedicated to Ryūjin, the God of the seas.  I walked into the Temple adorned with marble and gold. Head held low, I settled on my knees in front of the large statue of the sea god. Bowing my head, I mutter a prayer of safekeeping for my friends and family. For some reason I had felt anxious this morning, I needed to visit Ryūjin. I then took a few silver coins out of my pocket and dropped them into the polished bowl at Ryūjin's feet.

The holy man of the Temple bestows a blessing on my bent head, and I head back out into the blinding sunlight. I ignore the heat sinking into my scalp and turn back towards my home along the water. Strolling along I admire the stone and marble buildings gilded with marble columns and cravings of creatures and Gods.

I observed that more of the Royal Guards were stationed in the harbor and walking through the crowds, hands on their swords attached at their hips.

I wonder what that's about.

Although, many people shied away from the guards, I was unbothered. Slinking into one of the narrower streets, passing two stationed guards on the way, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. I stepped into the shadows, not to be caught eavesdropping.

"—the prince will not be happy." One said to the other.

The smaller of the two answered, "I know. Did you hear what he gave her in the dining hall? A fucking dragon scale. Those things are like priceless. He must like her a lot."

The other scoffed, "I don't even know what he sees in her. She's an ugly small thing. She's a literal prey. Disgusting white hair and I heard she doesn't even speak."

"Maybe she's a good fuck?" The other one shrugged.

Huh. The Prince gave a girl his dragon scale?  Interesting...

I hurried down the narrow streets, towards my home. I was surprised to spot a few more guards roaming the streets. I made sure to stay in the shadows and out of sight. I didn't feel like dealing with trouble today.

Drawing closer to the neighborhood, I saw Aunt Meg up ahead.

She stopped me as I checked up on my few potted plants outside my small, tidy home. "Mako, my boy, how are you? How is your mother?"

I offered her a slight smile, "We're good, thank you." Aunt Meg was the neighborhood's friendly old lady. We called her Aunt because growing up in the harbor many people knew her. She would give us advice and scold us whenever we got into trouble. She knew how to bake the best fresh bread. She was a close friend of my mother and found comfort in my mother as a friend when she had lost her mate.

She also loved to gossip. "Were you just in town, son? Did you see all those guards? My! I heard they were looking for some girl."

I shrugged, "Yeah, a lot more are on patrol than usual. I didn't exactly find out why."

She came closer, "I heard one of those girls that offered themselves up to those princes ran away. I just wanted to let you know, because well that friend of yours could probably make a pretty penny." She winked and trotted down that way to her own bright decorated home.

I frowned. Aron, could probably hunt her down and give her back to the palace. And he could probably profit from it a lot. Especially if those royals want her back so badly. Though, something didn't sit right with me about the situation. Even if the girl missing was one of the snobby, primped girls aching for one of the prince's attentions.

I shook away the feeling and entered my stone home. The bricks were a color of white and most of my home decorations, insisted by my mother, were in shades of blue. I grew up in this same city harbor. I was the youngest son. As all my siblings moved away and left to experience life my parents grew older and bored. They moved out of the city about a year ago to one of the "all-water" cities in the Kingdom. My siblings and I visit them about every year.

I stayed in the capital, and helped Aron with his hunting, making money wherever we could.

Maybe hunting for that girl wouldn't be so bad. It could probably set us up for a long time.

I figured I would visit Aron tonight to update him on the situation. I wouldn't be surprised if many hunters were looking out for her by the end of today. So if we wanted to catch her we would have to work quickly.

I turned when I heard a noise coming from my entryway. I saw Aron barge in through the door with a huge grin on his face.

I raised my eyebrows in question. That's when I spotted what he pulled along with him.

At first, I mistook her for a child, but then looking closer it was a tiny woman drowning in a dark cloak with the hood up. She cast her eyes downward and clutched at Aron's arms.

"Mako," Aron spoke proudly, chin up, "this is my mate. Anna."

She nervously lifted her hand away and out of Aron's grasp. She tipped her hood back and sent me a small wave. "Hi," she said softly.

White hair. Small frame. Big, brown, innocent eyes.

Fuck, she was beautiful.

Wait... isn't that?

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