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"Please excuse me, your Highness. Your Majesty requests your presence." I looked up from the documents I was currently looking over, to see a trembling woman curtsying.

Nodding, I said, "Thank you, you're dismissed." The woman hurried out of the library. I sighed and got up from the work that I had barely even gotten through. I was finding it hard to focus; my mind was currently occupied with a certain woman. I tried to push the thought of her away. I knew it would be best to forget about her, but I just couldn't help but want to see her again.

I crossed the empty library and into the halls. I headed for my father's office, wondering what it could be now. As I drew closer I could hear shouts coming from the room. The guards in the surrounding hallway stood straight, nodding to me as I went.

I slipped through the large doors and was met with my father, fuming at Jaxon. I wasn't surprised.

My father, the ruler of the Kingdom of Kaline, was a well-liked King. People saw him as fair and kind towards his subjects; however, I was able to see past the facade. Growing up, Jaxon and I had recognized our father was not a fair man. Instead, he was an evil, biased man. He was cruel to those he deemed below them, but to the world, he seemed kind so he could retain his place of power.

"No son of mine will go out of their way to deliberately interact with a prey!" My father raised his voice towards Jaxon. Jaxon stood across the room, jaw clenched.

Me and my brother resembled my Father greatly. Jaxon just about looked like a younger version of my father while I took on more of my mother's features.

I watched by the door as Father took steps towards Jaxon. Getting close, he bit out, "By the end of this week you will pick one of those women to wed. That is an order. I don't care who you fuck outside of your marriage as long as you keep up an appearance to the public." I was a bit surprised by this, I didn't think it was below my father, but as far as knew he was faithful towards my mother. Jaxon's hands clenched into fists at his side. "You're dismissed," Father spit out.

I held my breath in the tense atmosphere. I thought Jaxon would retaliate, but instead, he walked out without another word or glance. I kept my composer and the door slammed behind me.

Father turned towards the windows and looked out to the city below us. "Callen," he said, levels calmer from when he had spoken to Jaxon just moments ago. It didn't make me feel any better.

"Yes, your Majesty?" I bowed my head in respect, disgusted with myself.

"Keep your brother in line and you will be rewarded. If not, well... I already have an heir to the throne. I'm not opposed to sending you away," He turned his head over his shoulder to stare at me, awaiting my answer.

Just like my brother, I clenched my jaw tight in anger, "Yes, your Majesty."

"Good, good. I've already returned the guards you sent out on your brother's behalf. I respect your loyalty to him Callen, but right now he is not King." He stalked toward me until he was close enough to grab my chin, holding it in his tight grasp. He sneered," I am your King. It is my Divine Right, blessed upon me by the Gods. You order to me. And until your brother's time to rein you will not follow his commands if they go against mine."

He let go of my chin and patted me on the cheek, "Now be a good son and do as Father says. You're dismissed."

I wanted to yell, punch, scream at him. Anything. ANYTHING. But like the coward I was, I followed his commands as I always did.

I walked out of Father's study, tense, and avoided all eye contact or interaction with anyone who passed by me.


I stopped in my tracks and Jaxon approached me.

"You're going after that girl for me."

"No, I'm not."

He let out a sigh. "I don't care whatever Father told you. I want this girl, but I cannot leave. You can though."

"I won't do it." I went to brush past him but he grabbed my arm. I turned to face him and like out some of the anger I've kept inside for so long, "I SAID NO!"

He squinted his eyes at me, "And I said I want this girl, and she will be mine. You will go retrieve her and bring her to me."

I tore myself out of his grip and started to walk down the hall. He trailed behind me. Knowing he wouldn't stop, I answered, "Even if you did have the girl, what you do? Father wouldn't allow it and neither would the whole kingdom, there would be an outrage."

I could hear the smirk on his face without even having to look at him, "Who said anyone would have to know? I can't explain it, Callen, I just need her to be mine. Nobody will ever know, it could be our secret. And we would both keep Father happy, I would pick one of those power-hungry tarts and I would also get my prey girl. You would have Father's approval because I would behave. Everyone gets to be happy."

I turned at him, bewildered. "Jaxon, you would be married!"


I gaped at him. "So? So! You wouldn't care for your future with, the women you would have children with. Rule the kingdom with. You would give it up for a girl you met for about five minutes!" I tried not to think about, how I might have done the same in shoes. Hell, I would probably give it up for Anna even if I saw her for a split second.

"Are you seriously so blind, Callen," he grumbled," Father has never been faithful towards Mother, and she doesn't even give a shit. Neither one of those women would care either. They are all too busy comparing who looks the best or what man is of higher status on their arm. They could care less about what their man did behind their back as long as it keeps their husband happy."

I stared at him furious and astonished at his words. Was I really so blind? I knew of things like that in the court, I wasn't stupid, but our Mother and Father acted like they loved each other around others.

"You'll understand when you are forced to marry one of those bitches."

I scoffed, "I will never be like Father nor you."

He just scowled and shook his head, "Find my prey, brother. I'll keep you out of it while you're gone I'll make sure the blame is placed on me."

I stormed away from him and towards my room, ending the conversation at that. Not sparing a glance at the guards, I slammed my bedroom doors behind me.

Grabbing a glass from a tray I poured myself a glass of whiskey. I sat and downed it rather quickly.

I sagged against the couch, thinking about my options. Anger Father and find Anna for my brother, or anger Jaxon and follow Father's orders. And what about Anna? Was she safe right now? She would probably hate me if I helped her escape just to go out and capture her again.

"FUCK." I threw the glass against the wall and watched it shatter into pieces.

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