Chapter 3: More Time with You

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You are in the park watching people pass by or spending time with their families.

"I'm not sure I can remember the last time I saw my family," you thought to yourself. "I think we were walking together, then the bombs came and took everything. I almost forgot what joy the memory brought me."

You then grabbed a newspaper from the stand and saw that it has a coded message that you deciphered.

"Sylvia wants to meet with me. Better not disappoint."

You took the newspaper and put the note in his jacket pocket. From afar, you saw Sylvia sitting on a fountain, waiting for you.

"The Fullmetal Lady always looks amazing when she's sitting," you thought. "I guess that's what you get from years of being a spy and handler."

You sat next to Sylvia and greeted each other.

Sylvia: "The Ostanian State Security Service has caught on to one of our informants. They are doubling their efforts to uncover any agents that are hiding in the country. I know I told you this before, but proceed with caution no matter what action you take. We can't afford to lose agents that are vital to our operations."

"I will be cautious and maintain my cover. Permission to ask a question?"

Sylvia: "Granted."

"I've noticed Agent Twilight running around doing constant missions for days. Won't that hinder the progress of Operation Stryx?"

Sylvia: "Twilight has that handled. And HQ said they'd send a few more agents, so it might get a little better for him."

"That's good news. He can only come up with so many explanations for why he's returning home late."

Sylvia: "I am aware of his situation."

"Anything else I need to hear?"

Sylvia: "That's all for today."

"Very well. How has your week been going?"

Sylvia: "It's been productive. Some days I do wish I could stay in bed, but I know that I got work to do."


You and Sylvia stood up and went for a walk together.

"Would I be correct to assume that Fiona is not very accepting of Loid's marriage?"

Sylvia: "I'm afraid that situation will be surfacing very soon."

"I don't mean to be offensive, but I hope that her plans won't go well."

Sylvia: "I also have a feeling they won't."

"May I walk you home today?"

Sylvia: "Sure. It's nice today."

You smiled and walked with Sylvia.

Just Everyday For Spies (Sylvia Sherwood x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now