Chapter 5: I Despise War

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You are dealing with a group of terrorists in an abandoned warehouse outside of Berlint. You took cover behind a crate and avoided getting shot, then fired back and shot the guns out of a few of the attacker's hands.

You ran through shelves and more crates as the attackers fired at you again. The attackers reloaded, giving you enough time to rush towards them and fight them. They tried to fight, but are clearly not experienced with actual combat since they are running around trying to punch you.

"You seriously are trying to reignite the war without virtually no combat experience?"

One of the attackers tried to punch you, but you grabbed his fist, kicked him in the stomach, and threw him against the wall. The rest attacked you at the same time, but you easily dispatched them. After tying them them up and blindfolding them, Sylvia entered with other WISE Agents and interrogated the terrorists.

Sylvia: "You know, I don't get why a bunch of college students want to restart a war that gave everyone with a soul nightmares."

"We were on the verge of wiping out you Westalian dogs!" one terrorist said.

"You think this is a game? Well, I guess you haven't lived through the horrors of the war. You haven't watched an artillery shell blow your parents to pieces right in front of you. You've never seen your friends try to murder you for a small piece of stale bread. You've never had to hide in a pile of bodies hoping the enemy doesn't find and kill you."

The terrorists started to sweat in fear from hearing your words.

Sylvia: "It looks like you lot get the message a lot quicker than the ones I had to deal with before. So why don't I ask you a few questions about what going to war means?"

"W-w-what?" one terrorist asked. "What the hell do you mean? What do you know about fighting in it?!"

Sylvia: "Have any of you ever killed before? Have any of you ever been killed before? Have you ever had a limb torn off by an artillery shell before? Have you ever heard the sound of bones shattering? Have you ever smelled the reek of rotting flesh? Have you ever found the crushed bodies of your parents and siblings in a pile of rubble that used to be your home? Have you discovered a blown-off piece of your lover stuck to a wall? Have you ever been so hungry you tried to eat tree bark? Have you ever stewed human flesh in a pot? Have you ever convinced yourself your enemy was a sub-human so you could... slaughter them like animals? Have you ever been so haunted by shame and regret afterward... that you cried until you puked? Have you ever had friends who did the same, and took their own lives?"

The terrorists are now filled with fear and are trembling.

"Normally, I have a desire that those trying to find pleasure in war should end up having their limbs removed and be cut open while they're still alive," you said as you pulled out a silenced gun, "But I've decided not to do that."

"I was thinking the exact same," Sylvia said as she pulled out a silenced pistol.

After firing at the terrorists and killing them, the WISE agents grab the bodies and began cleaning the area. You went outside and stood in front of a car, pulled out a lighter, and flicked a flame, and watched it closely, remembering the time your father gave it to you.

Sylvia: "Don't put that too close to you. I prefer my agents don't set themselves on fire."

"Sorry. I know it's weird, but this lighter brings more pleasant memories."

Sylvia: "I bet. Want me to drive you home?"

"You sure?"

Sylvia: "It's the least I could do. You did put your life on the line with armed terrorists. Even if they were amateurs."

"Sure thing, Ms. Sherwood."

You and Sylvia got in the car as she drove away.

"I don't get why people want to restart the war," you said. "The next one may not be something we can get out of."

Sylvia: "I know. I guess they just think it's fun killing others that aren't themselves."

"I want a world where you don't ever have to worry about war ever again."

Sylvia: "I want the same for everyone working hard to prevent it. Especially Agent Twilight's family. They remind me of my own."

"Let's make it happen then."

Sylvia: "Agreed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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