The last bell

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Everything kicked off on June 11th, the final day of high school. My bestie Anastasia and I had a whole bunch of summer adventures lined up, but our options are kinda on the short side. Oh, I should probably tell you, I'm 17 and six months along. It's not something I wear like a badge of honor, but there's a reason I'm choosing to keep my baby, even if no one else gets it. I know my bestie Anastasia does.

Katy: Isn't that right, best friend?

Anastasia: you better know it girl !

Katy: Okay c'mon girl we've  got to move fast to find Nathan and Julius or we're going to be late for the bus.

Anastasia: Julius? Who's that?

Katy: Remember the tall guy who's always with Nathan? He's there every time you come over. We've been tight since we were little kids.

Anastasia: Hmm, doesn't ring a bell.

Katy: Oh, come on, Anastasia! Just because you're pretending Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is invisible because you're totally crushing on him, doesn't mean he's a figment of your imagination.

Anastasia: Haha, Katy, ! I can't deny it, I may have a little crush on Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. But hey, who could blame me ?  So, spill the tea, what's been going on with you and your special someone ?

Katy: Not much has been happening. I haven't talked to him since the last time I was at his dorm, and he doesn't even know about the baby.

Anastasia: Wait, he's in college now?

Katy: Shh, keep it down! Yeah, remember Andrew he's in college, but just a freshman.

Anastasia: Wow, I had no idea you had that kind of game!

Katy: Honestly, it took me by surprise too.

Anastasia: No worries, don't beat yourself up. I've got your back, alright? We all slip up, it's just part of life.

Katy: you're right.

Anastasia: Look, there's Nathan and JuJu. Let's go catch up to them.

Katy: JuJu? Ha, you're kidding, right?

Anastasia: No ma'am ! He'll be mine eventually, just watch!

Katy: Hey big bro, hi Juju!

Nathan: Wassup , lil sis.

Julius: Juju?

Katy: Yeah, haha, it's a long story.

Anastasia: Yeah, don't ask.

Nathan: We've got our first week of summer sorted. What do you say to hitting up Cali for some beach time, like the good old days?

Katy: Sounds awesome, but you know our parents are gonna be a hard sell on that.

Anastasia: Plus, I can't just ditch my bestie here.

Julius: Hey, the bus is here.

Nathan: Yeah, let's hop on and head to the back. And don't stress, sis, we'll sort it all out.

On the ride back, I just chilled next to my bestie, resting my head on her shoulder, daydreaming about my summer plans. I really want to have a good time, but I'm trying to avoid any drama with my folks. They've been pretty tough on me, especially after finding out about my pregnancy. I guess I'm not the little innocent one in their eyes anymore.

Anastasia: Everything alright ?

Katy: Yeah, just lost in thought.

Anastasia: What's on your mind ?

Katy: *sighs* Just stuff with my mom and dad.

Nathan: Hey sis, I've got this, okay? No need to stress about mom and dad, especially with my nephew on the way.

Anastasia: You mean my niece right ?

Katy: Haha, okay, now y'all know I don't have a clue about the gender yet.

Nathan: Hey Julius, can you please let them know it's a boy ? Julius ? Aye, what's got your attention, bro ?

Julius: Her

Off the bus, by a stop sign ready to cross the street, there's a girl named Taylor. She used to bully me and Anastasia all through elementary school. Oddly enough, Julius thinks she's really pretty, but her personality definitely doesn't match her looks.

Anastasia, full of jealousy: Ugh, Taylor? Really? Out of everyone, you're into her?

Nathan: Damn, Ana, why the hostility?

Katy: It's a long story, again.

Anastasia: It's nothing, I'm sorry. This is where I get off, catch y'all later.

Katy: Drop by later to see our new place, okay? I'll hit you up!

Anastasia: Okay, Later.

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