Shower time

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After a refreshing swim, Nathan heads upstairs to check on Katy and Anastasia. Both of them were still fast asleep, so he decides to take a quick nap as well. There's just something about sleep that does wonders for their bodies.

An hour later, Anastasia's alarm goes off.

Anastasia (yawning): Wake up, prego! Time to get ready.

Katy: Okay, okay, I'm up. Please turn off your stupid alarm.

Anastasia: Hey, don't diss my alarm, sleepyhead. Now let's get ready. I'll leave you here to shower, and I'll use the guest bathroom.

Katy: Okay, see you in a minute.

Anastasia: Alright.

They both go about taking their showers, getting dressed, and meet back in Katy's room.

Anastasia: You look stunning.

Katy: Thank you, so do you. Shall we start with our makeup and hair?

Anastasia: Yes, we shall. But first, let's grab some food. I'm hungry.

Katy: Haha, you're always hungry. I'm the pregnant one here.

Anastasia: Haha, they say the other half gets cravings too, right? Well, in my mind, I'm that half, got it?

Katy: Lol you're too much.

Anastasia: Tell me something new.

Katy: Your outfit's see-through.

Anastasia: What?! Where?!

Katy: Just messing with you, you perfectionist.

Anastasia: Oh I was about to say time to change.

Katy: No you look perfect, come on let's get a snack and get back to getting ready.

Anastasia goes to get Nathan and head downstairs

Katy and Anastasia head downstairs for a snack and find Mr. and Mrs. Williams chatting at the island with some wine.

Katy: Hey, mom.

Anastasia: Hey, Mrs. and Mr. Williams!

Mrs. Williams: Hi, dear! Hi, Anastasia! You both look beautiful.

Katy: Really? Thanks!

Anastasia: Thanks!

Mrs. Williams: Don't they look stunning, dear?

Mr. Williams: I've seen better.

Anastasia: Well, your face looks like the bottom of my dad's shoe, and he does construction.

Katy *trying not to laugh*:Whoa, whoa, okay. We just came down for a snack. We'll grab it and be on our way.

Mr. Williams *annoyed*:Ugh, kids!

Anastasia *rolls eyes*:Ugh, old bitter men.

Mrs. Williams *annoyed*: *gulps down her wine* I'm going upstairs to relax. Katy and Anastasia, grab your snack and head back upstairs to finish getting ready.

Anastasia: Ugh, your mom's lapdog is so annoying.

Katy: I know, right? I don't know why my mom married someone like him.

Anastasia: Exactly! He's always putting you down, like he's jealous or something. Dude needs a corkscrew on his mouth.

Katy: He really does. But let's do our makeup and hair now before we lose track of time.

Anastasia: Okay, I'll play some music.

Anastasia puts on some music, and they start doing their hair and makeup. Time flies by as they enjoy the music. After finishing their makeup, Katy curls her hair while Anastasia styles her box braids in a bun. They finish around 5:20 PM, just in time.

Anastasia: Phew, that took a while!

Katy: It sure did, now let's get Nathan and get going.

Anastasia: Okay, I'll call an Uber.

Katy and Anastasia grab Nathan and head out the door to the Uber, all set for the baby shower. But on the way, they notice that Nathan seems a bit off, not his usual self.

Katy: Hey, big bro, you okay?

Anastasia: Yeah, you look down. What's up?

Nathan: It's just... I'm worried about Julius. He hasn't been returning my calls or texts. I even reached out to his sister, and she says he hasn't been home. I have this feeling that something's wrong.

Katy: Don't worry, he'll come around. Maybe he's just caught up with family stuff.

Anastasia*annoyed*: Yeah, or maybe he's with "Taylor."

Nathan: No way, not after what she put him through. He would never hang out with her again.

Katy: Well, you never know, man.

Nathan: Look, I know my best friend, and he'd never entertain a hoe like her again, alright?!

Katy: Okay, okay, sheesh, calm down.

Anastasia: Oh, look, we're here!

Katy: Omg, omg, I'm so excited!!!

Nathan: Let's go!

Upon arriving at Anastasia's Aunt Amalia's house, Katy, Anastasia, and Nathan exit the Uber and make their way inside the mini mansion. As they enter the gate, they're greeted by signs with fairy lights leading towards the backyard. How magical!

Katy: Wow, this place is stunning!

Anastasia: If you think this is beautiful, just wait until you see the whole backyard.

Nathan: Well, let's go then!

Anastasia covers Katy's eyes, and she and Nathan guide Katy through the backyard gate. Once they reach the other side, Aunt Amalia greets them with a warm welcome.

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