Secrets unveiled

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Once the gender reveal party wraps up, Katy, Nathan, and Anastasia catch an Uber to Katy and Nathan's home.

Nathan "sighs":Still no word from Julius.

Katy "reassures him": He'll pop up soon enough. Julius isn't one to stay away for too long.

An uneasy feeling washes over Anastasia.

Anastasia: I'm not sure, Katy. It's really not like him to ignore calls, especially from his best friends.

Katy: I know but maybe he's just going through it, I don't think we should get all riled up about it yet.

Nathan: okay but I'm telling you guys something's not right.

Katy: I know.

Shorty they all arrive home

Katy: Totally wiped out from tonight.

Anastasia: Let's tuck you in, mama-to-be.

Nathan: Need some air, gonna go for a stroll.

Katy: You good?

Nathan: Will be.

Katy: Mind if I grab your keys in case the door's locked later?

Nathan: Sure, might've dropped them in my coat.

They struggle to find the keys in the darkness.

Nathan: Hang on, turning on my flashlight.

Katy: Can't see them at all.

Anastasia: There! Near that shrub.

Nathan: How did they get way over th- what the fuck?

Katy: What's up? What's that, is that blood?

Anastasia: Blood?

Nathan: There's a blood trail going right up to our door!

Katy: Oh my gosh, what if something happened to mom? Hurry!

They all rush to the front door, struggling to hold onto the slippery keys.

Nathan: Ugh, just give me the keys, Katy. I'll do it!

Katy: No, I got it! Just let me!

Anastasia quickly snatches the key and effortlessly opens the door.

Anastasia: Come on, let's go see what's going on, y'all!

As they enter, only a dim light shines. Voices echo from the living room.

Nathan: *whispers* Okay, let's walk over quickly and quietly, guys.

They try to walk quietly but Nathan trips over a statue.

Nathan: Ah, damn it!

The deep voice challenges, "Identify yourselves!" Silence follows.

Anastasia: frets, "Guys, I'm freaking out."

The voice demands, "I'm Officer Collin Saint. Show yourselves!"

Nathan: panics, "It's the cops!"

Katy begins to weep.

Anastasia: reassures, "Hang in there, Katy. Your mom's probably alright."

Officer Collin: warns, "Come out now, or I'm coming to you!"

Nathan, terrified, surrenders with his eyes shut.

Nathan: pleads, "DON'T SHOOT! We're just kids. This is our place."

Mrs. Williams: calls, "Nathan?"

Nathan:, confused, "Mom?"

Mrs. Williams: soothes, "It's okay, he won't shoot. Open your eyes."

Nathan, relieved but puzzled, lowers his hands and looks. Julius is there, beaten up.

Nathan:, shocked, "What the fuck happened, Julius? I've been trying to reach you!"

Mrs. Williams: urges, "Settle down, Nathan."

Anastasia and Katy emerge from hiding.

Katy: exclaims, "Julius, what happened?"

Anastasia: demands, "Where the hell have you been?"

Mrs. Williams: calms everyone, "Quiet down, let's sit and talk this through."

Officer Collins: Julius has had a serious clash with his parents and he's going to crash with you guys until things cool off.

Nathan: What happened with your folks ?

Julius: let out a heavy sigh and said, "Man, it was my dad. I got home the other day, and he was wasted, screaming at my mom. I snapped and called him out, which he didn't take well. My mom tried to intervene so he wouldn't go off on me, but he shoved her into the table, and she got hurt real bad. When I stepped in to help, he grabbed me by the throat and threatened me, telling me to never defend her again or else.

Katy: expressed her concern, "I'm really sorry about what happened, Julius. Are you alright? And how's your mom holding up?"

Julius: responded with gratitude, "Thanks, she's managing. He only loses it when he's had too much to drink. She's just got too much love for him to walk away."

Officer Collin: I gotta head to the station to wrap up your report, Julius. Hang in there and call  if you need anything.

Mrs. Williams offered to walk him out. They all waved goodbye as she saw him off.

Anastasia: sighed, What a stressful night. I'm gonna go relax in the hot tub.

Katy: Sure thing, I'll put your stuff in the guest room by the stairs down here.

Anastasia asked, You're probably gonna hit the hay, right?

Katy: You bet! I'm even more exhausted than before.

Anastasia wished her goodnight, and Katy replied with a "Good night!"

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