My room & Some Sun

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Anastasia enters with a beaming smile.

Anastasia: Hey, you like your new digs?

Katy: You did this? It's amazing, I absolutely adore it!

Anastasia: Yep, with a little muscle from the guys. Hey, boys, she's awake!

Nathan and Julius come rushing in, collapsing on the floor as if they'd been listening in the whole time.

Nathan: "laughs" Oof, move over, man!

Julius: Pfft, it's your own fault.

Anastasia: "laughs" Come on, get up, you two idiots

Katy: Wow, you guys, I'm speechless. I never expected any of this. Whose brilliant idea was it?

Anastasia: It was mine! My Aunt Amalia just had a baby, and she had a bunch of extra stuff from her baby shower. I also told her about your situation, and guess what? She wants to cover the cost of a gender reveal party & baby shower all in one for you tomorrow night at her place!

Katy: No way?! That's incredible! I'm beyond excited. This is going to be so much fun! I can't believe it!

Anastasia: Yes girl, you're gonna love it. Her place is massive and stunning. Plus, the backyard? It's got these cozy string lights and a bonfire pit—it's the perfect spot to vibe out and relax.

Nathan: Oh yeah, this baby showers gonna be lit !

Julius: Definitely is.

Katy: Gotta find the right outfit now.

Anastasia: Got it sorted! Check the farthest closet to your right.

Katy discovers an exquisite dress in her closet, dazzling in white with blue and pink sparkles.

Katy: Wow, this is stunning! Thank you so much.

Anastasia: Of course, girl, always looking out for you.

Nathan: You're gonna shine, little sis.

Julius: Team boy, all the way! Team boy!

Nathan: Right on, man! Team boy! Team boy!

Anastasia joins in, shouting "Team girl!" until the room erupts with joyous laughter. In that moment, the feeling of camaraderie with my brother and best friends was unbeatable, ready for any anything ahead.

Katy: Love you guys so much, you have no idea!

Nathan: Nah, we love you even more!

Julius: Let's kill some time until dinner's ready. All that cheering made me hungry.

Anastasia *whispers to Katy* He could eat me. They burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Nathan and Julius give an awkward smile, wondering what's going on.

Katy: Oh, it's just an inside joke, nothing serious.

Julius: Oh, come on, can we hear it?

Anastasia: *yells* No way, not in your wildest dreams!

Nathan: *laughs* Ana, take it easy on my boy!

They all burst into laughter once again, filled with joy.

Katy: So, what do you guys wanna do? It's only 4:30PM, no school, and the night is still young.

Nathan: Let's explore the house! It's huge, and since mom and our "wanna be dad" got movers to handle everything, there are no chores for us.

Julius: Great idea! There's a massive pool in the backyard. Let's go for a swim & enjoy the sunset.

Anastasia: Yes, let's go swimming! I packed a bag just in case you guys had a pool!

Katy: Sounds awesome! We'll meet you guys down there.

Nathan: Alright, let's go, dude!

Nathan and Julius give the girls some space to change and head downstairs towards the pool, but first, they swing by the kitchen. There, they spot Mrs. Williams chatting with a woman dressed in a maid's outfit and a girl who seems to be her daughter.

Nathan: Hey, Mom, who are these two?

Mrs. Williams: Oh, hey there! This is Sade and her daughter Jenna. Sade's our new maid, and Jenna will be around while her mom's working. Is it cool if she hangs with you all?

Nathan: Yeah, of course, no problem. Nice to meet you, Jenna.

Jenna: Hi, nice to meet you guys too.

Julius: We're just about to go for a swim. You in?

Jenna: Sure, that sounds fun.

The boys, along with Jenna, made their way to the backyard, and soon Katy and Anastasia caught up with them.

Katy: Hey, who's this?

Nathan: This is Jenna, the maid's daughter.

Anastasia: Hi Jenna, it's great to meet you.

Jenna: Hello, it's great to meet you too. You both look amazing.

Katy: Aw, thanks Jenna! You look pretty awesome yourself.

Jenna: I hope you don't mind me asking, are you expecting?

Katy: Yep, I'm six months pregnant. My baby's due on the 14th of September.

Jenna: Oh, that's wonderful news! Congrats!

Katy: Thanks a lot!

Anastasia: Come on, everyone, let's enjoy ourselves!

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