Chapter 14

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4 Weeks Later

"Move out the way!" I snapped, pushing pass someone to get into the bathroom stall as I bent over, puking my fucking life into the toilet. I felt so sick. Been going on for the past two days now. Don't know what the fuck I ate, but I was done. Stomach was sore from squeezing tight just to throw up.

"Girl, you need to go to the clinic," Mercedes said from behind as she held the door closed. "I don't know how many times I told yo ass to take a pregnancy test. You might just be pregnant. You already said you missed your period." "Don't wish that shit on me," I snapped, wiping my face as I gripped the nasty ass seat.

I was supposed to be in class right now, but I kept having to leave just to be hung over in the bathroom stall. All I kept thinking about was Adonis. Rape, and no condom. Nigga pretty much raped me. I told no one about it. Not even Mercedes on what happened. As far as she knows, I fucked Kenton, and it was the bomb.

But that was 4 weeks ago. I haven't seen those niggas since. Now that it was a Tuesday morning, with homecoming just around the corner, I felt like shit. I haven't had sex since that night. Hearing the sounds of a toilet flushing next to me, I silently prayed I wasn't pregnant. Only nigga I fucked without a condom that came in me was Adonis.

"Oh shit," I mumbled as I leaned over again to release more vomit. Head throbbing, body sore, face hot. I should be in fucking bed right now. Just the thought of being pregnant with his child made me want to... "Mercedes, I need a wet paper-."

I bent over one last time to get out the rest of the vomit, coughing hard as I wiped my mouth, tears coming down heavy. "I need to be in my room," I cried softly. "Girl here," tossing the paper towels over the door. "I can't go in there or I'm going to be sick with yo ass. We need to get you to the bed.

I don't even know why you left the house this morning anyway if you was feeling like this. Are you done?" "I think so," I mumbled, trying to stand up. She opened the door holding her breath as she helped me stand up. "If you are pregnant, just think about who's baby you're about to have," she said excitedly as I looked at my friend with tired eyes.

"Girl, you about to get that money bitch. You having Kentons's baby!" She whispered loudly, trying to make me smile. I just looked at her. Eyes swollen red from crying, weave a hot ass mess, and only thing on my mind was finding this nigga Adonis and telling him off. If I was pregnant, not only is he paying for an abortion, but he will pay for my expenses, traveling fees, emotional distress, all of that.

Nigga better borrow the money from his brother because I'm not fucking playing around with none of these D Boys no more. I was done that night after seeing how they get down. So if he don't get with it, I'm calling rape. Fucked with the wrong hoe nigga.

"Girl take me back to the room so I can tell you what really happened," I let out as her eyes grew wide. "Aight, come on," pushing her fresh braids off her shoulder. "And what you mean what the fuck really happened? Did you fuck him or no? You damn sure left me on the curve so I was expecting you to get the best dick of ya life trick."

"Girl," was all I could manage to say as we walked out the bathroom, and headed straight for her car. I needed to smoke a blunt. All I needed to do. Soon as we got in her car, she drove up to the clinic by the corner store just outside the yard, and bought a pregnancy test box. After telling her the truth of that night, I could only imagine how I was going to react if the test came back positive.

My heart was already pounding, stomach rolling, and nerves in my throat as she sat the bag in my lap. "I can't believe yo ass is having a baby," she squealed in excitement as I hit her on the arm. "What?! I can't be excited for my main bitch?" "Nigga I don't want this fucking baby, and we don't even know if I'm pregnant or not. So stop saying that shit. I'm not ready to be a damn mother."

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