Chapter 26

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Mari's POV

Looking at myself in the mirror of my bathroom, I stared at the reflection of my stomach. I can't believe I was fucking pregnant, and starting to show. It was going on 8 weeks, last week of October before we hit November. I barely get a chance to see Adonis, but tonight was supposed to be our very first official date as a couple.

Thursday night at Atlantic Station for a simple movie. He was Supposed to be a club preforming with his brother but wanted to spend time with me. My friends thought we were cute together, but honestly? The nigga, and I stay arguing over dumb shit.

We barely last 5 minutes on the phone without arguing. Like last night. It was 2 am over here, and I couldn't sleep because I didn't feel good, he was over on the west coast with his brothers doing a studio session for another artist when he called me.

"Hello?" I answered, turning the tv down as I put my bag of Skittles on the night stand, keeping a few in my hand to pop in my mouth. I could hear the chaos of his brothers in the background, and the sound of a female voice.

"Nah bruh chill out," Adonislaughed. "She not dancing without money. That's how all females are." "Uh nigga you called me?" I snapped, pulling the covers up to my neck. "Yeah, why the fuck you still up?"

"Because..." I stopped in mid sentence as he laughed at something someone else said before turning his attention to the female. I could barely make out what she was saying, but I know the bitch was speaking to him, and I know I didn't like that shit. Regardless of who she was. "Fuck it," I let out before hanging up.

My stomach was in all kinds of knots, I had a headache, and I felt bloated like fuck, I didn't need this aggravating shit happening to me right now. Of course, he called me back, and that started up a whole new argument that I didn't feel like having. "So you hanging up on a nigga now?" He asked with a laugh. "Yo this is why I don't fuck with young bitches man, yall on that childish shit."

"So go fuck with an old hoe then bruh, miss me with that. You called me, but having side conversations while I'm on the phone. I don't feel good, I'm tired but can't sleep, and now I'm irritated that you wasting my time." "You done?" He asked, hearing a door close. "You done bitching?"

"Adonis," I sighed, closing my eyes. "Nigga what the fuck do you want?" "See, this why I don't talk to you! This is why we not going to fucking make it because you so fucking negative, and that attitude got a nigga ready to check the fuck out of you every time you open yo mouth!"

"I wish you would," I mumbled, cutting the TV off altogether as I laid there in the dark. I let out a cough before sneezing, sniffing up the remains. Fuck, I just wanted to sleep without feeling my stomach turn. "You ain't gotta wish for that shit," he muttered back as I rolled my eyes. I wasn't even going to respond to him.

"What you doing though?" "Laying in the bed," I sniffed. "Feeling like shit." "You got the heat on? You like sleeping in a fucking ice storm." "I sleep better when it's cold," I argued hearing him smack his teeth. "Go cut the heat on Samaria," he demanded. "Get and go cut that shit on."

"So I can be sweating all night? Uh no, I just straightened out my hair nigga," I told him, patting my tightly wrapped scarf. Since I knew I was seeing him the next day, I didn't want to hear him bitch about me wearing weave, or heavy makeup. "Go cut that shit on," he pressed as I groaned with a smack of my teeth. Nigga was relentless. For the sake of this conversation, I lied and told him I cut it on.

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