Chapter 18

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"How you feeling?" MERCEDES asked as she laid on the bed next to me. Everyone was out partying while I sat my ass in the room looking up everything I could on babies, and being pregnant. What to expect, how to care for it, what to eat, while you're pregnant.

"Sick as fuck," I said, looking at my phone. "I've been trying to figure out whether or not I should tell Adonis I'm keeping this baby." "Well I think you should. Regardless of how you feel about him, he has a right to know his own seed is going to be birth into the world. Did you want his help?"

"No, fuck no," I spat. "I don't even want to see him again." "So just tell that nigga, look I'm having the baby, you don't have to be here to help me raise it. You can continue on with your life. You know he's going to expect you to ask him for money right?"

"I don't want it, he can keep that too. I can do this shit all by myself. I been looking for a job now. I got an interview at McDonalds next week." "Whet bitch? McDonalds? You can do better," she let out as I laughed. "But yeah, you need to tell that nigga. Matter of fact, hand me the phone. I rather you tell him now, then him seeing yo pregnant ass later on. Niggas like him don't take surprises well."

She went through my phone as she set it up to where she was about to text him. "Hi, this is Mari. The girl you got pregnant. I just want to say, thank you for taking me to the clinic, but I decided I couldn't get the abortion. Nothing changes nigga. I still don'ttttt," texting as she tried to catch up to what she was saying.

"I still don't want you in my, or the baby's life, I don't need your money, and you can delete my number after this message. Bye. How does that sound?"

"I can't tell him, not until I'm completely sure I'm having this baby," I said with a sigh as she smacked her teeth. "Girl, you already trying to get a job, thinking about saving up so you can move out. You already thinking like a single parent, might as well."

"Well I don't want to scare him. Don't send it, not yet. Give me another week," I said. She was silent as I looked at her, eyes glued to the phone. I glanced at the screen seeing the message was sent at least a minute ago. "Mercedes!" "I didn't mean to do it!" She laughed as I grabbed the phone, quick trying to literally bring the fucking message back with my mind. Shit, shit shit! Fuck!

"Bitch I outta whoop yo fucking ass now!" I snapped, nearly pushing her dumb ass off my bed. "I can't believe you!" "He might not even read the message. Nigga is probably drunk as fuck, higher a kite, and living it up right now. Probably won't see it until tomorrow. That gives you enough time to get a new number-."

"Bitch! I don't want a new number! Girl, I can't even deal with you, I'm pregnant, and I'm tired-." "You not even showing!" She said as we both laughed. "Don't use that excuse yet with yo hoe ass." "Whatever trick," I laughed. I loved my best friend. Swear I do. Looking back at the phone, I sighed. Well, the nigga was going to find out eventually.

"Don't even worry about it, I'll see if my fertile ass can get pregnant by my nigga so we can have babies together," she said as I looked at her, knowing she was playing. At least I hoped she was.  So as you know, only thing on my mind was that text message. I even shut my phone off because I was afraid of the response, the reaction, or no reaction, and no response. Either way, I was nervous as hell.

I wasn't trying to leave this bed, you know early Sunday morning, TV on watching BET inspiration because I needed that in my life right now. I needed to hear the word, or something because it seemed like everything was working against me. I rolled on to my side looking at my phone charge on the floor. Scared to touch that bitch. If I didn't see nothing from this nigga, I told myself that was him telling me he didn't give a fuck.

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