Chapter 33

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 "Girl, I don't know what I'm going to do," I said to Mandy, walking in the door of my house on a late Tuesday evening

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"Girl, I don't know what I'm going to do," I said to Mandy, walking in the door of my house on a late Tuesday evening. Fresh from my 9 to 5. I was on FaceTime with one of my sorors from back in California, talking about the craziness of this past weekend. Definitely need to take my mind off of the chaos from fucking Karmmoni's boyfriend up, to Kole, and I having sex.

Haven't spoken to him since Sunday. Since everything went down. Karmmoni hasn't been home because she's been staying with Pharaoh, and probably will be there for the next week or so. Just until things blow over. It must be nice knowing can't nobody really fuck with you without fucking with yo brothers.

"You know what you gotta do," Mandy continued as I rolled my eyes, closing the door, and popping the lights on in the dark living room. "You fucked Kole, and it's probably going to happen again-."

"It was just a one time-." "Nah uh hoe. You've been in love with this guy since God knows when. When we met, that's who you used to always talk about when we talk about boys. Now you moved back to Atlanta, and what do you do? Sleep with him," she laughed as I dropped my head in shame, slipping my heels off.

"Sex was good right?" "It was amazing," smiling to myself, enjoying that small feeling down below like he was inside of me, just thinking about him. "See look at you smiling. You kissed his ass too?" "I did." "Mmm hmm, so you know what you have to do now. You gotta act like you don't want him. Act like he's replaceable because in reality, he is. You haven't spoken to him since right?"

"Nah uh," thinking about how I was tempted last night to call him. I have to keep telling myself he has a girlfriend. "Good," Mandy stated, getting into her manipulating mindset. "So I give it three days before that nigga starts clinging to you. Calling you, wanting to know what you're doing, try and stick it in again, but you don't let him do it!" She warned as I nodded, taking mental notes.

"Don't hang out with him, don't give him the time of day until he gets rid of the Baltimore bitch," she stated as I spotted headlights flash through my window. As she continued to talk, I looked through the window seeing Kole's car pulling up. What the fuck? "Are you listening Taylor?"

"Girl he just pulled up to my house," I said with a laugh, opening the door. "He what?! Girl, let the clinginess begin. That nigga is going to be on you like white on rice." "I don't think so," I said, watching him get out the car. Always knew how to dress to impress. "Damn..."

"Nah uh! Don't do that! Not on this damn phone, if I can't see how fine he is, don't rub that shit in my face over this phone," Mandy snapped as I laughed. "Girl bye, I'll call you later, and tell you what happened," I said as we hung up, still laughing.

He was on the phone himself as he closed the door, adjusting his tie while talking business. Looking him over, I smiled seeing he was dressed in his usual black dress slacks, slick shoes, black dress shirt with a thin black tie. All black against the dark complexion, causing his light brown eyes to pop from a distance. With his Fraternity's letterman jacket on, bleeding that crimson and cream.

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