Chapter 12: Prepared

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Lambert and the Followers showed you around the cult so you can see what changed with the one day you were gone, all of the rubble that scattered the opening was now cleared out, a lumberyard was up and running, so there was no need to worry too much about wood now, and a scarecrow was placed by the farm, that would definitely help with the birds trying to eat the seeds all the time, along with the farm itself being slightly bigger. There is still a long way to go but the cult looked as though it was beginning to thrive even with its setbacks.

As you returned to your new tent for the night Lambert was already gone for his next crusade, it was now habit for him to leave at night, the new tent felt warm and cosy, it took you no time at all to fall into a deep sleep, when morning came you woke up, again before the Followers, and tended to the farm. The soil still felt so coarse, you could not help but think that Heket had something to do about it, the coincidence that as soon as Lambert entered Anura, the earth refused to grow anything.

Tending to the farm took longer now due to the size, the Followers are now up and ready for their meal, you got right to it giving out the portions, still being cautious of the amount given, you chatted and ate happily, when done everyone got back what they normally do, praying, working on the lumberyard, etcetera.

You looked out to where Lambert went for his crusade and blankly stared off, the sound of screams broke you of your trance, the same black puddle opened yet again but this time on five Followers, if this was Heket's doing you knew what to do.

You got the bag of food that Ratau gave you and ran to the cooking fire, you cooked as fast as you could "Everyone, get a bowl and get ready to give them out!" you called out, though still slightly panicked they got right to it.

The five Followers came back all at once, you managed to get to Valefar. "It hurts"

"it's alright, here, eat" You gave them the bow of food "Just don't eat so fast, take it easy" You rubbed soothing circles on their back to calm them down, you let out a sigh of relief seeing as they are all eating.

"Thank you, (Y/N)" you helped Valefar back up.

"Take it easy for today, alright". Only a couple of minutes later did Lambert come back, he was huffing as though he was sprinting, he finally got to you.

"(Y/N), is everyone ok?" he looked around to see if any of the Followers needed help.

"Everyone is fine Lambert, thanks to Ratau for giving me a bag of food before I left, I was able to feed them before things got serious, I also asked them to take it easy for the rest of the day". Lambert took one more look at his Followers, some looked concerned, but it was understandable.

"That's good, I do have some news to share with them, wait for me in the temple, I have to indoctrinate a new follower". And so, you did, it did not take long, when he got to the podium you rang the bell.

"Greetings my children, I am aware that things have been hard, and with Heket sending a famine to us twice I can understand how you all may be worried for what she will do next, but I promise you, she will not cause you any more distress, for my last crusade to Anura shall be tonight, she will not send you a famine anymore!"

Hearing Lambert talk in such a mighty tone never not be funny to you, but it did hype the Followers, for they cheered, happy to not worry about starving anymore if his words are true.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now