20 4 2

Poem List:

1. Pulled Out of The Dark
2. Open Letter
3. Timeline
4. All is Well and Good as New
5. An Expressions
6. If You Would Dare To
7. Just you, Nothing Else More
8. Not Together
9. If You Only Knew
10. Feelings of You and I
11. I Should've, I shouldn't
12. Karma
13. Pressured
14. Reflections
15. Set Me into You
16. Stone
17. Worthless Efforts
18. Preclude
19. Fussy Story
20. Broken Prisms
21. The Bloodshed
22. Glimpsed Away
23. The Raid
24. Intimacy
25. Childhood memoirs
26. Rejoice
27. stabbed in misery
28. Je me deteste
29. Peach
30. Deceive
31. Illusions, Gone Over
32. Renovations
33. Kaleidoscope

All Rights Reserved
- Dyrouwn Zaik, 2020

Note: If you notice that the poems are not in order, it means that the poem titles placed first were the Poet's pick.

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