
21 3 1

Written in: August 01, 2020
Published in: December 29, 2020

Hear out from the sights, where the lights are gone fading
When I gaze around the dark circles, my heart went crumbling
The way your life has been invented
No sides of you were ever taken
A few days come at last when lucky days are gone

Two hills weren't tall enough to be on top
Like how hard life pushes you not to fall apart
Made a wall to start the end of the trail
Hoping everything would be okay
Even if it's not... really

Dark clouds circling from my visions
To blur out my own missions
Making my feelings numb
To make life no fun

I feel the pain of being pressured
Times of struggling, the worst fate occurs
Never leads me to be happy
Never been, that the same as it would be...

No person feels how anxiety drags you down apart
Instead, they only knew how capable you are

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