The Sopranos

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Yesterday, I woke up at noon and watched several episodes of The Sopranos. I finally learned who really killed Tony, and it only took me twenty years to figure it out. It was David Scatino. He walks into the diner looking like a hobo and sits in a booth not far from the mobster. Plus the actor who portrays Scantino is none other than Robert Patrick, the bad-ass terminator in the second installment of the movie franchise. Case closed. Somebody give me a prize.

I walked to Rice-Boy's room and stuck my head through the door. 

I said, "Anything new going on in your life?"

He shot me the stink eye. "I made a hundred bucks."

"And that pisses you off?"

"I had to bow to the ghosts while you were sleeping. I tried to explain that I'm a Christian and it goes against my beliefs. But Mom told me I was impolite and started yelling at me."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm sure Jesus understands. You were between a rock and a hard place. Yet not to worry. We're leaving on Monday, and then it's back to business as usual."

We're going to take the train to Seoul on Monday. Larry purchased the tickets over the internet. It leaves at 3 p.m. The problem is that we have to bring our suitcases onto the public bus in order to get to the train station. It's going to be a tight squeeze, but that's simply the way the cookie crumbles. No point in complaining about it.

My wife served me bacon and eggs for breakfast. The meal came with a tall glass of generic cola.

She said, "You son not have da mannah. It so emballassing."

"Why? What did he do?"

"In da morning, he not bow to his glandpalents. He say he Chlistian. Dat da leason he geeve." 

I sighed heavily. "Well, I'm not Korean, so I wouldn't know a damn thing about it."

"You such da asshoe. You wife da Kolean rady. You must study da culture more. He rook rike da fucken idiot."

I smiled at her. "They gave him money anyhow. Therefore, I would say that he won the conflict."

"You da fucken jerwk."

For the last week, I've felt quite heartbroken. In fact, I've been moved to tears over stupid shit. I now realize that my marriage is over. And even though the Dragon Lady is a loon, it's still a very painful experience. We're talking about twenty-five years of marriage down the tube. Plus my family is in shambles. Chicken Ken resides in Texas, doing his own thing. And Larry just mopes about like the village retard. Yet these things happen. I'm not the first guy to feel these emotions, and I certainly won't be the last. All I can do is pull up my breeches and get on with my life.

Later in the day, my boy and I walked to the PC room. I had to stop by the 7-11 to take some money out of an ATM. The transaction cost me a dollar.

I said, "I'm hoping this scratch can last for a while. We'll have to take it easy with our spending."

"Maybe we shouldn't go to the PC room so that we can save a few bucks."

"Are you fucking kidding me? The last thing I want to do is stay in that apartment all day long. I need a break from the negative energy."

And here I sit, writing this stupid fucking blog post. When I finish scribbling my garbage, I plan on watching the interview between Tucker and Vlad. 

God bless.

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