[ one ] duty.

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[last name, first name]

          KONOHA WAS losing the war, that much was true. They needed something that would turn the tide of the war and put a stop to their dwindling numbers, which continued to skyrocket as they were forced to send fresh genin into the fray. Konoha was backed into a corner and had no choice but to send young genin into the slaughter house when they were still learning the ropes of how to be a shinobi.

The world was desperate for shinobi, hastily merging together broken shinobi teams to send them out on more missions, with the more mismatched teams being sent to fight in skirmishes and on the front lines. The more established teams with more skill were often sent on more pressing assignments, with higher risk and higher rewards. Each side was desperate to win the war.

It was all about the mission, all about turning the tides of the war into Konoha's favour, no matter the cost. Duty above all else, lest you be disgraced. A legend of the hidden leaf had already suffered the fate of failing his duty and not many wanted a repeat of those events.

Yamada Kiyoko at the age of seven had been a firm believer of this unwavering fact. She believed it was a shinobi's job to lay down their life for the village to complete their mission and if you don't, you're a coward. This had been drilled into them at the academy, and as a recent graduate it was easy for her to embody these ideals. Although, her mother felt differently. But she didn't get it, she was a ex-shinobi that was forced to retire after an injury which took place before the war.

Her new Jonin sensei, Furutani Misuo, stood in front of them at the empty field of training ground 4. After introducing himself, he crossed his arms and gestured for his new team to do the same.

"Misuo-sensei, my name is Yamada Kiyoko," she bowed, alongside her two new teammates who had yet to introduce themselves. Her voice and expression was calm, humility commanding her every action as she lowered her eyes in respect.

To Misuo, she looked like a child pretending to be a grown up. Kiyoko was the youngest of the team, having graduated the academy earlier than her peers.

"Hori Natsumi, sensei," the girl next to her introduced respectfully, her forehead protector dangling around her neck. Natsumi had an irritated expression on her face as she bowed, looking  like she believed this to be a waste of time.

The final genin member grinned, "Tomita Kazuki, sensei!" he exclaimed, giving their teacher a thumbs up, "what're we doing waiting around, lets go on a mission already!"

Their new sensei nodded, arms still firmly crossed on his chest as he observed his new team, "we won't be going on a mission until I assess the teams abilities, which will be done with a spare at noon."

"How will we know when the assessment is over?" Kazuki chimes in, scratching his head in thought. His question causes Misuo-sensei to smile slightly.

Their sensei reached into his pocket and pulled out an alarm clock, "the bell will signal the end of the assessment."

Ah, so that's why they were there. A friendly spare to warm the team up, tell him their weakness and what can be improved. It made sense, Kiyoko supposed. It would be crass to send them on a mission when they don't know each other.

Kazuki and Natsumi were the only ones to react; with Kazuki exclaiming how unfair it all was while the latter let out a huff and annoyed "tch".

"I'll allow 5 minutes to let you three prepare before we begin." was all their new sensei said before using a flicker technique and disappearing.

"It goes without saying that we will have to work as a team to go against sensei," Kiyoko starts, bringing a hand to her chin, "my specialties are taijutsu for close quarters and medium-distance ninjutsu, I'm strongest in water and lightning releases,"

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