[ fifteen ] Hormones.

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            WHEN KIYOKO hit 15, she was summoned by the Sandaime and offered a role in the ANBU. Despite almost wanting to say no, she realised she didn't really have much going for her other than living for the missions. While yes, she had begun her road to mental recovery – going to therapy, starting to mediate again, begrudgingly saying yes to hang out/train with Gai...  Kiyoko still couldn't really find a reason to keep going other than completing missions, which is why she accepted the offer.

Her induction would be next month with the next influx of newbies and her uniform would be sent in the mail, which didn't really seem all that confidential. Kiyoko felt numb to the world and couldn't even find it in her to feel anxious, not really feeling anything towards her impending six-month long induction and training session. There were dorms for the newbies to move into while doing the course and Kiyoko knew that she would be virtually off the radar until then and considered spending her month off with Gai, but the man was intense.

Gai's friend group was nice and all, but Kiyoko doubted that the 19-year-olds would want to willingly spend time with the 15-year-old. They all wanted to go out drinking and even though since Kiyoko was a shinobi (they were typically allowed to drink because their life expectancy was... a lot lower than the civilians) but Kiyoko promised her mother that she wouldn't drink until she was 18 herself. They were supposed to have a drink together.

Currently, Kiyoko and a small band of clones were in a clearing catching up on clan scrolls and meditation. While Kiyoko technically was doing a forbidden technique (multi-shadow clones), she figured "forbidden" really was just a suggestion – she had seen other Jōnin use multiple shadow clones without reprimand, so she figured what was stopping her from doing the same? Although, she had already been using up to five shadow clones at a time...

"I'm bored, can't we do something fun?" Kiyoko's clone complained, rolling around on the grass. She had abandoned the clan scroll she was reading out of pure boredom, her brain beginning to melt the more she read the drab text.

Kiyoko deadpanned, snapping out of her meditation, "you've been reading for five minutes." It was true. The six of them (five clones and one Kiyoko) had only just begun.

"Yeah, but you try reading this massive ass scroll of the clan just walking around being friends with the while nation and try not to get bored," Clone Kiyoko defended, laying on her back and staring up at the clouds.

Another spoke up, "this one's kinda cool actually, it's about our Kekkei Genkai!" she chirped, holding up the scroll and waving it around. The other Kiyoko's heads snapped up, eyes narrowing at they watched the 'cool' scroll hungrily.

"Don't you dare fight over it, or I'll disperse you all!" Kiyoko said firmly, holding up her finger at the clones, who deflated at her words and grumbled to themselves. Cool Scroll Clone sent her a relieved, thankful look, happy to be free from the hungry jaws of the other clones.

"Well, it says here that we can sort of, manipulate water without jutsu?" Cool Scroll Clone spoke, her tone questioning as she read the scroll.

This again caught the attention of all Kiyoko's, who leaned forward in curiosity. Kiyoko slouched, all motivation to meditate gone in a flash at the new information, resting her chin on her hand as she waited for the other Kiyoko to continue.

"The cloud village apparently made a movie based off the clans ability, but it says here that the movie features fire, earth and air too," she said, her eyebrow raised as she leaned in closer to the scroll, "if we learnt this, I can't imagine using jutsu again!"

Kiyoko wasn't convinced, "yeah right, it can't be that good." She scoffed, scooting closer to the clone – as did the others.

"It says that when a Yamada is fully in tune with nature energy and has reached Sage/Senjutsu mastery that they will be able to manipulate water, but only if there is a source of it nearby," she continued before perking up, "ooo, there's pictures!"

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