[ ten ] awkward situations.

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         NATSUMI WAS the only genin in the team that failed the chūnin exam. It had been awkward to say the least when the four of them gathered for their results, Kazuki and Kiyoko finding out they had passed and began celebrating, only for a sombre mood to follow once news of Natsumi's failing was told. Kazuki and Kiyoko felt awkward as they shared unsure looks with each other, both not knowing how to act. Natsumi didn't say a word, her lips pursed in disappointment as she nodded tensely, congratulated them quietly and walking home.

Kiyoko bit her lip as she watched Natsumi walk away, the air between them was still tense as Kiyoko still hadn't properly spoken to Natsumi since the second stage of the exam, which was three weeks ago now. She had planned to after they got their results, but she was now thinking that maybe it wouldn't be too good of an idea, after all. Shaking her head, Kiyoko made the decision to speak to her tomorrow about her suspicions, regardless of the mood or not. It had been too long and was dragging on more than it needed to.

As usual, Kazuki was the one to break the tense air, "I know it might be... uncool but do you want to get food to celebrate?" 

"You paying?" Kiyoko asked, a small smile forming on her face. Kazuki's face dropped as he gave her a dead look before a cheeky grin slowly etched itself onto the boys face as he slowly turned to look at Misuo, who was beginning to sneak away.

"Misuo-sensei, surely you buy us celebratory dinner? It's not every day your students get a promotion!" Kazuki bargained. Misuo stopped in his tracks and visibly sagged, sighing.

Misuo gave them a flat look, "how could you say that when poor Natsumi failed?"

"She would want you to buy us ramen, sensei." Kiyoko nodded solemnly, wiping away an imaginary tear. Kazuki nodded alongside her before peaking at Misuo through his wet lashes, looking pitiful.

"She would also you to buy us all dinner again when she gets her promotion next year," Kazuki said, fake tears in his eyes, "she whispered it in my ear before she left."

Misuo began to sweat as Kazuki gave him his best puppy dog eyes, averting his gaze nervously. Kazuki elbowed Kiyoko in the side, who gave him a dirty look before understanding what the boy wanted and joined him in giving her best puppy dog eyes to Misuo, sliding into his view.

"Fine," Misuo sighed miserably, defeat clear in his tone, "I'll buy you both ONE bowl of ramen, that's it!" Little did he know, Kazuki would manipulate five more bowls out of the lazy, soft-hearted man.

"Thanks sensei, you're the best!" Kazuki cheered, turning and high-fiving Kiyoko who was waiting for him with her hand up.


It was the anniversary of her father's death. Every year, Kiyoko cooks her father's favourite dishes, okonomiyaki and yakitori and has a picnic by his grave. Yamada burials were a little different than the traditions of Konoha as they buried their dead with no coffin, planting the seed of the deceased's favourite flower or plant on top, but since her father had been a shinobi and had no body recovered, Kiyoko and Yue only planted his favourite flowers, spider lilies, in their garden and allowed Konoha to place a grave stone in their graveyard.

Kiyoko would always visit the gravestone instead of the flowers that had now grown and spread into their own patch, mainly because she would be able to see his name on the stone and the words engraved. She would always bring him a single flower from the spider lilies that ran rampant in the memorial section of the compound.

This time was different. Kiyoko had brought two flowers and had hoped to visit Hatake Sukumo and pay her respects to her father's best friend. It was something that Kiyoko discussing with her mother as a way to move forward and get past her conflicting feelings she had of the man. There was still a lot of resentment inside her for the late Hatake; Kiyoko thought that speaking with him would ease some of her feelings about the man.

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