|iii. go #12|

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august 20th, 2023

Olivia looked like every other Iowa Hawkeyes fan sitting in the student section of the Lady Hawkeye's soccer game. Decked out in gold and black from head to toe, she jumped up and down as Macy, the starting goalkeeper, saved a tough shot from the opposing team.


"Oh my god, Kate, hey!" Olivia smiled, wrapping her arms around Kate for a moment before pulling back to watch the game.

"How's it going so far?"

"Good. Josie already scored a goal. We're up 1-0."

"That's good, that's good." Kate muttered, not taking her eyes off of Olivia. She bit her lip, noticing the writing on Olivia's face. It was Montgomery's number. Her insides twisted, again remembering that Olivia was at the game as Montgomery's girlfriend. Her mind moved on quickly, instead focusing on other features of Olivia's face. The color of her eyes, a certain crinkle in her nose. She probably would have spent more time looking at her if a series of whistles hadn't brought her attention to the field. A fight had erupted between the two teams. And Montgomery was right at the center of it.

"Shit." Olivia muttered, watching as her girlfriend was pulled away, blood dripping from her face. She would be lying if she said Montgomery's temper wasn't a concern to her. Not that she'd ever done anything to her, but her anger issues had become a problem in their relationship.

"What happened?" Kate questioned, unsuccessfully trying to hide the smirk growing on her face.


Of course, Montgomery had instigated the fight. She received a yellow card for unnecessary roughness and the person who had punched her in the face had been issued a red card for retaliation. At the end, Iowa came out on top with a 2-0 win. The crowd had disappeared and only players and family were left in the facility. Olivia waited patiently outside the locker room for her girlfriend to exit.

"Hey, Liv."

Instead, it was fifth year defender Samantha Cary who exited the locker room first. "Hey, Sam." Olivia smiled, giving the soccer player a tight squeeze. Sam was a good friend of hers and truly made her feel welcome when the group hung out. "You played great today."

"Thank you. Waiting for Monty, I presume?"


"She's out on the field, but she told me to send you out there if I saw you."

"Thanks, Sam. I'll see you at the party."

Win or lose, with the soccer girls, there was always a party after.


"She got you good." Olivia commented, taking notice of Montgomery's already evident bruise from halfway across the field.

"I guess she did." Montgomery gave a weak smile, letting her girlfriend come close to her and examine the wound. She smiled, noticing the "#12" on her cheek. "My number looks good on you."

"It does." Olivia's smile fell quickly.


"Why did you push that girl?"

Montgomery's smile slowly faded as well. She really didn't have a good reason for starting that fight. The only reason she'd pushed that girl was because she saw the way Kate was looking and Olivia as she watched the game. But how could Montgomery possibly tell her girlfriend that? Kate was one of her closest friends. Montgomery couldn't risk ruining that for Olivia. So, instead, she pushed the girl. "She, uh...she said some shit to me. You know how I get when that happens." Olivia could tell that Montgomery really felt bad for her actions. And the bruise that would stay for weeks seemed like punishment enough for her actions.

"Yeah." She moved away, going to kick the soccer ball into the net. "Guess who I am." She teased, kicking the ball into the net and doing Montgomery's iconic celebration.

"Very funny." She laughed, the smile returning to her face.

"There's something on your mind now." Olivia noticed almost immediately.

"I love you." Montgomery blurted out.

Olivia's heart fluttered. "I love you too, Monty."

And to her credit, she really thought she did.

author speaks

did i make monty a soccer
player? yes. do i know much
about soccer? absolutely not


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