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august 20th, 2023

Olivia hated going to parties with Montgomery. It wasn't the parties themselves, but it was the fact that whenever her girlfriend was around her friends, Olivia disappeared. She had gotten accustomed to it over the past few months. Montgomery would make plans for the two to go to a party, leave Olivia alone, and hang out with her friends all night long, barely even looking at Olivia. It was miserable, but this time she came prepared. Her friends, Devon and Lexie were somewhere near, waiting for the inevitable moment when Montgomery ditched her. Which was about two and a half seconds after the two had entered. Immediately, Montgomery had spotted her friends and her hand had dropped from Olivia's waist. And within two minutes, Olivia was with her friends; Devon, Lexie, and Miss Iowa herself, women's basketball star, Caitlin Clark.

"I thought you said Monty was here." She handed Olivia a drink as the latter sat down next to Devon.

"She ditched her to be with her friends." Lexie responded, attempting to smile through her frustration. It was safe to say that Lexie was not the biggest fan of Montgomery Hansen. As in, she hated her with a burning passion.

"Then why did she drag Liv here?"

"That is the question of the hour, Miss Clark." Devon muttered in response, bringing his cup to his lips.

"What about you?" Olivia retorted, trying to prove her point. "Where's your man?"

"Connor is at home with covid, so..."

"Oh." She paused momentarily. "Well, Monty and I are two separate people. We don't need to be together all the time to be happy."

"What're we talking about?" Kate questioned, hopping over the couch to Olivia's other side. Her arm was wrapped around her shoulder temporarily, giving Olivia a feeling that was a little too much for somebody that had a girlfriend.

"We are discussing Olivia's shitty girlfriend!" Caitlin declared, giving Kate the 'this might be your chance' eyes.
"Oh," The life in Kate's eyes inflated a bit. The census was out on Montgomery-nobody liked her. "This is an interesting topic."

Olivia may have been oblivious to Kate's feelings for her, but she knew how her girlfriend and the blonde felt about each other. And, for some reason, she just felt bad discussing her relationship in that sense with Kate.

"Can we...not right now?" Olivia begged, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

"Well, I just have to ask-" Caitlin's continuous comments were less than appreciated on Olivia's part.

"Can we stop talking about my relationship problems?" She snapped, being met with silence from the rest of the group. "Thank you."


Thankfully, the conversation topic had moved off of Olivia's love life and the rest of the night had been fun for the group of five. But time kept moving and by 2 AM, half the party was gone and Olivia wanted nothing more than to go home. She yawned, resting her head on Kate's shoulder, as the latter placed a friendly arm around her waist.

"You wanna go home?"

"Yeah." Olivia muttered, forcing her eyes open.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Yeah, let me just tell Monty. I'll meet you outside."

"Okay." Kate responded in a low tone. She stared down at the girl in her arms in admiration, going back to studying every feature she could remember about her.

"You okay?" Olivia's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "I can feel your heart beating really quick."

"Yeah." Kate quickly responded, practically jumping out of her seat. "I'll see you outside." Caitlin, who had been watching the entire interaction, stifled her laughter with a sip of her drink as the two parted ways.


"Monty." Olivia had finally found Montgomery where she left her nearly four hours ago, playing cup pong with her friends. Except now, she was incredibly drunk.

"Yeah." She barely paid her girlfriend any attention as she shot a ping pong ball, missing badly to the left.

"I'm going home. Kate's driving me."


Still, Montgomery hadn't looked at Olivia. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay." By the time Montgomery had actually realized what she'd just agreed to, Olivia was already out the door. And by the time she'd caught up with Olivia, she was only a few feet away from Kate's car. "Liv, I'm ready to go. I'll just take you home."

"You're drunk, babe. Let Kate take me and get a ride from Josie or someone else." Olivia tried to reason.

"No, no, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Montgomery slurred, grabbing her girlfriend's hand and beginning to drag her away.

"Hey, watch your hands, man." Kate warned. "You're drunk. You shouldn't drive yourself home let alone Liv too."

Montgomery's hands began to curl to fists. "Watch it, Martin."

"Enough." Olivia snapped, moving out of Montgomery's touch. "I'm going with Kate. You and I will talk about whatever the fuck this was when you're sober." She got into the car, not bothering to say a proper goodbye to her girlfriend.

Kate got into the car as well, and didn't dare speak until the two were on the road and out of sight of the party. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Olivia's response wasn't convincing at all, as tears began to swell from her eyes. "I just- that was a lot."

author speaks

kate's insta story reminded me

that she's done in a few weeks

i may cry!



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