Ch. 1 Arlet:

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Ch 1: Arlet

     Twenty. The big two zero. I would be twenty this time tomorrow and my excitement was through the roof, twenty was the day I would be able to finally feel the pull of my mate. We were throwing the party tonight because hopefully tomorrow I, along with my twin sister Wren, would be off to where the pull took us.

     To clarify, if you have not already caught on, I am a werewolf. Not in like the creepy classic Hollywood way where you turn into some kind of half-wolf half-human monstrosity... it was more Twilighty than that (to be clear I don't really like the Twilight series so much, but not because of the writing, but rather because it misrepresents werewolves). Werewolves can turn fully into wolves thankfully. The first shift happens when you turn fifteen, and – because my species isn't creepy like that (cough* Jacob) - get our mates at the age of twenty (though some have to wait a couple of years for their mate to come of age). When you turn twenty, as long as your mate is also of age, you feel the pull – a way for mates to find each other. According to what my mother told me, it feels like your heart is literally being pulled in a certain direction, that direction being your mate. I was so ready for it. Wren and I had decided to go together to ease our parents concern for our safety because when you go to find your mate, they aren't always in your pack. When the pull starts, two black tattoo-like lines circle your right wrist – that is what all of the packs use as a kind of all-access pass for crossing border lines. If you were on a quest to find your mate you were guaranteed access to any pack.

     I got tapped on the shoulder by Wren, "It's time to go. We can't be late for our own party... again."

     I cringed as I remembered last year's party where I had shown up an hour after it started (talk about awkward).

     "I'm coming," I said, slipping on my shoes and smoothing the skirt on my dress.

     Wren and I had moved into the pack house when we turned eighteen as is tradition for all adult un-mated wolves and the party was being hosted at our friend Kiera's house (she had turned 20 two months ago and was mated to her high school sweetheart Drake).

     "To the booze!" I yelled as I walked out of the house to where Wren was waiting.

     She rolled her eyes at me. She was the more reserved twin but make no mistake she could still party. We arrived at Keira's house ten minutes later to help set up before guests started pouring in.

Two hours later...

     "Arrrlet stay beehind me, so I don't fall outta the chair," Wren said. She was hammered.

     "Get someone else to for right now, it's my turn in darts," I had drunk much more alcohol than her, but was only tipsy because she was a lightweight.

     "Mommeyyy," she slurred, "Come over hereee."

     My mom, who was sitting in a chair talking to my grandmother looked at me, rolled her eyes, and then walked over to Wren, "Yes sweetheart," she inquired.

     Now I know it is weird to have your family at a party like this, but that is just kind of how it rolled in this pack – everybody came, friends, family, acquaintances, you name it (obviously no kids though). The party continued on for a couple more hours before we (I) decided to call it quits so I wouldn't be a zombie tomorrow (it was around nine P.M. because the pull would begin at midnight). Due to the fast werewolf metabolism, I was sure Wren was going to be semi-fine then. After that people started dispersing in different levels of drunkenness, wishing us luck for tomorrow. My parents came up to us once most of everybody was gone, my dad had tears in his eyes.

     He pulled me into a big hug, "I love you baby,"

     "I love you too Dad," I said, reciprocating the hug before pulling away so he could do the same to a semi-coherent Wren.

     "I'm pretty sure Wren won't remember this, so you tell her I said to stay safe and come back as soon as you can. I love you, but you've got to find that mate of yours," my mom said, also hugging me... she then wiggled her eyebrows, "I'm sure he's gonna be super cute,"

     "Mommm," I complained.

     "What," she said innocently.

     I rolled my eyes, "I love you too."

     My dad was crying at this point, the big softie.

     "Dad, I'll always be your little girl," I said pulling him into another hug, rubbing his back, "She will too," I said looking over at Wren who was smiling drunkenly.

     "I know, I know, it's just hard. It seems like yesterday when you two were crawling all over the place watching Scooby Doo," he said wiping his eyes and letting go.

     "If it's any consolation, we still watch Scooby Doo," I said making him chuckle.

     They walked us to the pack house before saying goodbye one last time (at this point I could tell that the alcohol was starting to wear off Wren).

     I smiled at them, "I'll see you guys later, two weeks top, I promise!"

     "Love you Mommy and Daddy," Wren said before we made our way back inside.

     I awoke with a start, feeling like I had just been punched in the chest. The clock read 12:00 A.M.

     Wren burst into my room, sober as can be, "Do you feel it?!"

     The pull had begun. 

A/N: Hello all (if anybody every decides to read this haha).

I just went back through and looked at this chapter and realized how short this was. I promise the chapters get longer (I go for about 2000 words per chapter).

I am an identical twin, so the depictions in this book are based off of what my sister means to me/how we interact.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I am always open to suggestions/critiques. I am really excited about this book because I think it is a little bit of a different take on werewolf romance novels and its kind of just been brewing in my head as I have read other people's books. Let me know some of the stuff you like/don't like, stuff you want to see (I have the storyline in my head but that does not mean that I can't add/sprinkle in other things throughout). 

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