Ch. 3 Wren:

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Ch. 3 Wren:

It was weird knowing that same tugging feeling that I had, she had too. We had left at about 12:30 A.M. after our alpha said goodbye (we already had bags packed) and were currently running in wolf form (wolves only traveled by cars when we went into the human realm). It was about 2:30 A.M. I've been feigning not remembering the party last night, but in reality, I could remember every touching and embarrassing detail. It made my longing heart warm when I thought about the goodbye we had. What my parents had said, what Arlet had said back, even though we hopefully weren't going to be gone long.

Arlet started slowing down as we approached the border of another pack's territory (we had already been through one but didn't feel any need to stay so we kept going) and dropped her bag so she could shift. We had taken showers together as little girls and most werewolves are okay with nudity, but for some reason I always felt the need to look away blushing, and this was no different. I went behind a tree and shifted back as well before rifling through my bag to find something to wear.

"I'm decent," Arlet announced – she knew that nudity made me uncomfortable. She knew everything about me.

I smiled and walked out from behind the tree, "Then lets go."

We slung our bags over our shoulders and started walking. We weren't saying anything, but the silence was comfortable, and eventually because we were close enough to each other we linked hands. We didn't really hold hands in public much because it got weird looks, but it felt really natural, just swinging our arms back and forth. I guess it's a twin thing. We didn't separate until we reached some guards.

"Halt!" one of the guards who looked to be in his mid-thirties said.

We stopped patiently.

"What is your business here?" he asked, his defenses still raised.

Arlet spoke up, "We are looking for our mates," she said rolling up her sleeve to reveal the black bands that circled it.

I did the same.

His eyes went fuzzy for a bit before he stood aside and said, "Alright you can go on in, good luck," I could tell that he had to be a dad.

As soon as I entered the territory, the tugging on my heart intensified tenfold and I could tell that he was in this pack.

"Arlet," I said, "He's here."

We had just gotten to the center of their town when a red-faced brown-haired boy came sprinting around the corner, looking around wildly.

There he is.

Mate, my wolf said excitedly.

Aside from Arlet and some guards, we were the only people on the street. But it felt like we were completely alone, as if the world had faded away and it was just us. Our eyes made contact as his sweet scent hit my nose, making me drop my bag. As soon as my bag dropped, my wolf took over and sprinted towards him as he ran towards me. Sparks erupted as we collided, and, as I had been instructed, elongated my fangs, sinking them into his neck, marking him as mine. I felt unmeasured pleasure as he did the same, the tugging feeling leaving my body.

It was traditional for mates to mark each other upon first sight. It was the only thing that would make the pull go away, and if you met your mate and did not mark them right away the pull would actually start to become painful. Consummation of the mating process happened when you well... you know, did the deed.

Pulling away from my neck, but still holding on to me, my mate asked, "What is your name princess?"

Heat flooded through my cheeks, princess?

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