Ch. 17 Unknown POV

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Ch. 17 Unknown POV:

I opened the door and walked into our room where he was already waiting for me in bed.

His eyes darkened a little at seeing me, "Why hello baby."

I smiled at him and returned his words with an equally seductive, "...hello"

I came over to him and hopped on the bed before kissing him passionately.

"I missed you," I said pulling away.

"And I you," he said with a smile.

He repositioned himself in the bed and said, "So how's the mission been?"

I frowned, "Ugh, not the best... the stupid alpha found his mate. They marked each other so it's impossible to break the bond as of now... but they haven't consummated the bond yet. I left a threatening note to set them on edge a bit, though."

It was his turn to frown, "Hmm... we might have to resort to some magic. You should still try and win him over the old fashioned way though."

"I hate this," I said.

"I know baby, as your mate, I think I hate it more than you do," he said, wiping off the makeup that covered my mark.

"It's going to be tough to get him alone, though, that whore is always hanging onto him - her sister just recently died or something... I do have some good news though - according to my sources, he's in the hospital right now," I told him.

His eyes brightened, "What for?"

"I haven't been able to find out, he's being very secretive about the whole thing. All I know is that it's serious," I said.

He smiled, "It'll be easier to exact the plan if you became Luna... but it'll be easier on me if he just died, that way my mate wouldn't have to try and woo another man," he frowned, his face disgusted, "especially that moron."

I kissed his cheek and crawled off the bed and went over to one of the drawers in our dresser, grabbing our emergency celebration champagne and the two glass flutes next to it.

I came back over to the bed and popped the top off of the bottle before pouring some in each glass, "Well here's to hoping."

We clinked our glasses together and drank.


I woke up for the fifth time since Carter left (Arlet and I were the only ones in the room because after the third time I woke up bombarded by people, I linked Carter and asked him to make sure nobody came in). I could tell that it was morning because the last time I woke up it had been night, and now I could faintly see the glow of light from the black-out curtains. I hoped that witch was on her way because I could feel myself getting weaker. It was very strange because everything about me seemed to be getting stronger after each burning wave of pain, my senses, my muscles, even my bones, but it was like the rest of me couldn't keep up. My heart was trying its best to pump blood through my ever changing body and because of that, was struggling to strengthen itself, and my brain was trying to adapt to my new senses but was also struggling.

I wondered if this is what it felt like to be on steroids.

I didn't move from my position because I had learned the hard way that moving just made the pain worse. I was glad that Arlet seemed like a still sleeper - she hadn't changed position once. She was completely limp in my arms and my only consolation that she was ok was her deep breathing.

I could hear when the witch arrived even before she came into the hospital and I figured that if I took the earplugs in my ears out, I would be able to hear for miles.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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