Chapter 8

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I grabbed my satchel, along with Luke's—

—no, not Luke's. Sebastian's.

I grabbed my satchel, along with Sebastian's, hurrying out the Astronomy Tower. I had to much pride to stoop to the level of copying another student's homework, so I had intention to stay far as possible from Amit for the rest of the day. 

Whether he would yap my ear off with his astronomy bullshit or ridicule my homework, I thought I'd do better without his presence.

I had so many questions as I made my way down the hall.

"Y/N! It's so lovely too—"

"Not now, Natty," I snapped coldly. I halted, immediately recognizing my disdainful tone. "Natty?" I turned around, my dark friend slumping her way past the hall. I could hear a soft grunt of anger coming towards her direction. I'm sorry, my gazelle. I saw Ominis heading in my direction.

His brown wand started flashing red immediately. His blind gaze seemed to bore right into mine as he halted himself. Almost as if frozen in time, Ominis Gaunt's mouth twisted slightly. He choked back his words, his cheeks noticeably getting redder. His adam's apple bobbled, unusually quickly, before he used his unoccupied hand to brush back his fallen hair. Turning his heel, my fellow Slytherin went down the hall opposite of me.

I didn't need to deal with that kind of pathetic crap, anyways. Tilting my chin high, I stormed through the halls. I was given weird glances, specifically from Garreth and Leander, though Prewitt's was a bit more empathetic. I could've sworn he reached out a hand to talk but Garreth had sneakily slapped it back down.

Sneaky  Weasley. 

I decided to go the Library to clear my head. First, I had to find Everett Clopton. I'd write him a letter; it would reach him in the Great Hall. If I noted my urgency as pretentiously as possible, we might be able to chat before our next classes! That would be a relief, considering I needed to talk to the Ravenclaw more desperately than ever.


I'm so sorry to bother. I would love to chat about an important matter.  As soon as you get my letter during lunch, meet me in the Library. 

I'll be waiting upon your arrival. Please, we must talk, and I'm in desperate need of your immediate assistance. 

Perhaps put in a good word in for me, regarding  Amit Thakkbar. Still studying the stars, I suppose.

Your's truly,


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