Chapter 19

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deciding to take a more lovey approach to this chapter so lmk what u think! thx for reading <33


Leaves fell to the ground, curling and dancing in the wind, spiraling away and tumbling down the hills of Feldcroft. I crept through the back of the Sallow home, briskly trotting into the forest that neared their home.

I held the stunning wand in my hands, rubbing my thumb against its fragile and delicate structure. It felt personal, as if it wasn't mine.

A lot of things felt like that.

I pushed my way through the forest. Thorns cut at my arms, hot needles poking between the fabric of my sweater. I had to find him, and I needed to talk to him. Now.

Turning the corner of a brawny oak tree, one a lot taller than the others, I knew what I saw. I knew who I saw.

In the heart of the clearing, there he stood—a captivating sight in the satin fabric that hugged his toned frame, accentuating every curve and ripple of muscle he had left. Dappled sunlight filtered through the lush canopy, casting a soft glow upon Sebastian Sallow as he breathed life into the verdant clearing, where daisies swayed in a seductive dance, breathing life into me.

My breath hitched as I watched my golden boy, his shaggy locks tousled by the gentle breeze, frolicking with mesmerizing rhythm that stirred something within me. Each step he took sent a shiver down my spine, his movements exuding an intoxicating blend of power and vulnerability.

His hands, strong and sure, dug into his forearms, fingers trailing along the contours of his skin with tantalizing sensitivity. The tension in his form only added to his allure, a silent invitation to unravel the mysteries hidden beneath the surface of his desire. In that sun-kissed clearing, passion hung heavy in the air.

It was like a book—a story, if even—that was personal. That wasn't mine. It was as if he was a statue, and I was merely an observer, a visitor, someone of thousands who never should deserve such a treat. What was I thinking? Maybe I wasn't thinking, but I was entranced.

I'd missed this. I'd missed the thrill of passion, the fire that welled between my wretched breathing, one that reminded me of the delicacy of love.

"Sebastian," I whispered, my voice sultry. He turned, his gaze drifting over mine, mirroring the intensity of the blooming wildflowers surrounding us.

His eyes, smoldering and irresistible, drew me in, a dangerous allure that set my heart racing. "Hey," he murmured, his tone laced with confusion as he avoided meeting my gaze fully.

I dared to close the distance between us, my body gravitating towards his like a moth to a flame. "What brings you here?" 

Sebastian's lips twitched, a smile creasing the edge of his frown. "I could ask you the same thing. Y/N, the goody-two-shoes herself, here? In a forest, at that, with a stranger?"

"I wasn't aware we were strangers," I countered, the tension between us undeniably intense. Again.

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