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(Please ignore the grammatical mistakes as I am new to writing stuff)

KRITI'S POV (Present Scenario)-

Alarm was buzzing from last 15 minutes, and me being a sleeping beauty who doesn't wants to wake up at 7 a.m.
My roomate threw a pillow at my direction which landed on my face .
I groan and woke up from my sleep like a half dead zombie just to find my Shubhi spewing not so gentle words on this pleasant morning , ruining my mood completely.
Her mouth definitely needs a filter or she will be the dinner of some guy who doesn't likes to listen unpleasant words.

She woke up and said ," Wtf dude~ your alarm has been buzzing from last 15 minutes and now my brain and soul is fucked up because of that damn reminder. Ughh!!! Now only one thing can fix my totally gone mood..

I said "And I know what that thing is😂;
so now stop being an overdramatic sassy queen and go do your morning routine, till then I'll prepare your tonic babe😉".

I dragged myself to the kitchen and started making my world famous chai,
and after sometime Shubhi joined me and both settled down with mugs in our hands. We started talking about what our ootd will be? And being brutal honest I am not bothering myself to choose outfit for myself but this cute yet annoying soulmate of mine is determined to make me look like a model on our first day...

And I can't say no to her, suddenly she asked me that one question which no one in my life after Sunaina asked me "Do you like Ritik"? And it took me atleast a minute to process the question which was thrown towards me.
And I know I can't lie to her because she has seen me in my worst condition and was the only one apart from my parents to tackle with my situation.

I said, "Maybe I still do..but I don't want to feel that emotion ever because being in love brings a lot of causes for pain to slip into that childish heart of ours. And right now I am not in a situation to afford heartbreak and depression you know where I am pointing out at?

"Going through a heartbreak will be expensive on my pocket and my heart would be shattered into a million pieces. So not being a Khatro ke Khiladi I don't want to be in love with anyone in the mean time."

After concluding this discussion we both just took a chotu si trip to our closet to choose our outfits before drenching ourselves in water.
It was a rule between us that by mutual consent we both will choose each others outfits and no one can negotiate between the choices of one another.

Soon, we both got ready and were doing a little bit of touch-up on our tired faces as last night was really long setting all things up..

Soon, we both got ready and were doing a little bit of touch-up on our tired faces as last night was really long setting all things up

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My outfit

My outfit

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