Caraline pov❣️

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An: This part of the story was written in the pov of Caraline, the bsf. At the same time as what was going on last chapter.

As I got onto the bus I waved to my best friend Autumn saying bye, then I sat in seat 14 where I usually do. When a couple seconds later Ethan sat next to me while Carlos sat in the seat across from us. At first I just sat there trying to not freak out, but it was hard, so I decided to text Autumn and freak out to her over text. So I sent her a message saying 'IM GONNA FREAK OUT ETHAN AND CARLOS ARE SITTING NEXT TO ME LIKE KEJRJEJS' buttt SHE LEFT ME ON FRICKING DELIVERED. So I decided to put my ear bud in and listen to some music.

A couple minutes later I feel Ethan me on the shoulder, so I took out my ear bud and turned to face him, "Hm?" "Me and Carlos are doing a little survey, if you had to choose between me and him, who would you pick?" "Uh I don't know," I shrug, "Well when you decide let one of us know," he said turning back to Carlos "um ok?" I then put my earbuds back in and turn back to the window.

When I got off the bus Ethan and Carlos also got off which kinda confused me because they don't usually get off here, so I turn T face them ant ask, "Why'd you get off here? You've never gotten off here before." Then Carlos replied "oh we're going to hang out with Jordyn and Alex today." "Oh ok, tell them I said hi," I smile "We will," Ethan said. Then i walked home.

When I arrived home I got a quick snack and went up to my room then started spamming Autumn, but she never responded.

(Word count: 317)

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