Seven || Danger

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In the morning, Senku began explaining how the gunpowder-making process worked as soon as Taiju and Yuzuriha just opened their eyes from their deep slumber

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In the morning, Senku began explaining how the gunpowder-making process worked as soon as Taiju and Yuzuriha just opened their eyes from their deep slumber.

"We have the three components we need to make gunpowder." Senku explained while laying many charcoal chunks on the ground.

In addition to his explanation, you just flashed all three of them your typical cunning grin, which clearly resembled a snake, "The only thing left is to mix it up!"

Then, to indicate that there are three components, you raised three of your fingers.

"The first ingredient for gunpowder is the limitless supply of sulfur from the hot spring. Second, charcoal. We can easily get this by burning some wood. And third, the last and the most difficult one, potassium nitrate which takes a lot of time to make. That's why I prepared it beforehand!"

Senku had a very concerned smile on his face, "How in the world did you know that potassium nitrate will be useful in the near future?"

You just gave a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders, "I don't. I created it mainly for fun during the building process of my incredible underground basement, which has been abandoned for six months!"

Thus, in an attempt to simplify the explanation — unlike a particular lettuce head who always delivers things in his scientific terms — you and the others assemble all of the components in a bag.

"Mix potassium nitrate, sulfur, charcoal, and a pinch of sugar to increase its power."

You did exactly what you stated.

Senku proceeded to add a white powder that you accepted since it was grape extract glucose.

"D-Don't you think (Name)'s enjoying herself a bit too much when creating a weapon?" Yuzuriha sweated at the sight. Taiju was somewhat concerned for your sanity as well.

Senku merely shrugged his shoulders, "Let our leader be the madwoman she is."

'Ah... Yeah. Madwoman is absolutely the perfect word for her.' Yuzuriha and Taiju nodded a few times, thinking the same thing.

When it's completed, you pull a small wood out of nowhere and hoist it above your head with a psychotic grin, eager to smash it.

"Alright, guys! Last but not least, pound it down until it's packed solid!"

But just as you're ready to pound the ingredient-filled bag, you get a glimpse of Taiju grasping a boulder out of the corner of your eye.

He shouted, "Need a pounding, bro!? 'Cause that sounds like the perfect kinda job for me!"

That made Senku and Yuzuriha scream aloud, amazed that he could carry it and scared that he would do anything reckless like this. Meanwhile, your eyes were full of sparkles.

"Wait, Taiju-kun! Are you sure it's a good idea?! I-I'm scared if you use all your strength, you could make a spark and go boom! Like a flint!" Yuzuriha questioned frantically.

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