Fifteen || Round One

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A/N : FINALLY I'VE UPDATED SOMETHING! (┬┬﹏┬┬) I have a ton of homework and exams to complete. Please, help me.

"Biggest hurdle cleared! Sulfuric Acid acquired!"

Kohaku, Suika, and Kaseki greeted the four of you warmly, glad that you had returned home safely, despite Senku's panting like crazy from lifting large jars loaded with liquid.

"This is so amazing!" Kohaku had tears of hope in her eyes, "We can finally make the medicine and save Ruri-nee's life!"

Chrome looked at her in confusion, "We're still a few steps away. You gotta have some patience. You remember that crazy roadmap to the drug, right?"

"I recall it being incredibly long." She murmured, feeling less energetic now.

"Kukuku! No sweat, we're close." Senku chimed in, putting down the Sulfuric Acid in the lab, "We have just about every component that we're gonna need now."

Hearing it, the primitives jumped in delight, with some even gaping their mouths in shock at their rapid progress.

"And since most of the materials are in place, it's just a matter of lighting up all the dark spots on the roadmap one by one!" You informed, felt satisfied with them, "Should be pretty easy actually!"

"Really?! That's incredible!" Chrome yelled right into your ears.

That led you to leaned away and tightly closed both of your ears, "Chrome, personal space. But yeah, I mean it. We light them all up today!"

Then, with a smirk on his face, Senku took all the glass beakers and flasks to make the antibiotic outside.

"You all better get excited!"

Meanwhile, you filled a basin with Sulfuric Acid and a small amount of salt. Senku joined in, taking out a flask that had a glass rod extending from the center and two additional necks.

"This glass thingy is weird." Suika commented, observing it curiously, "It looks like there's a stick in the middle of it."

"You asked me to make this bizzare doohickey and I did it!" Kaseki complained, "I have no idea what you're gonna use it for but you wouldn't get me inside it!"

Snickering, you simply explained as you always do, "It's part of the dripping system. We're catching the gas coming out of the Sulfuric Acid and salt mixtures drips. It will create Hydrochloric Acid."

Discreetly, you whispered something to Senku before he flashed you a wicked grin, enjoying the plan you had told him.

"It's a slightly dangerous chemical. Look, Suika! Get this stuff in your eyes and you'll go blind!" Senku showed it to Suika. Instantly, she cowered behind Kohaku in an attempt to avoid the chemical at all costs.

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