Twenty-Eight || Training

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A/N : Honestly... (Name) fits well with Fujii Kaze's song : 'Hedemo Ne-Yo'.

It was absolutely not on your to-do list to wake up to find your lover wrapped his arms around you.

He looked so peaceful when sleeping with his chin resting on your shoulder.

A hint of pink started to appear all over your face.

He was not only serene, but extremely adorable as well! His cheek was pressed against your neck, and anytime you tried to move, he tightened his hold.

Seriously, you're grateful that luck was on your side because, chances are, nobody entered the tent yet.

To be honest, you were even taken aback when you were able to get some sleep too after two days.

Perhaps sleeping in his arms was the solution to your lack of sleep, huh?

'He's warm...' You pondered inside your thoughts, without even recognizing that your lips were slightly curved upwards.

Just when you were starting to relish this brief moment of peace and quiet, Kohaku let out a yell outside that seemed to suggest that Chrome had returned home or something.

'What?!' In an instant, your eyes widened in disbelief, 'Chrome is back!?'

Without hesitation, you scrambled to your feet and hurried outside.

Senku's comforting embrace vanished right away, leaving you feeling a little shocked, but you didn't care.

If the yells and cheers heard outside were true, Chrome has truly returned. That means there was no need to save the Kingdom of Science's have-it-all!

Senku, on the other hand, became alarmed and stared at you worriedly.

"What the hell." He croaked out since he was still attempting to make sense of everything and was clearly bewildered, "Wait, (Name)-!"

Unfortunately, when you began to carelessly leave, he couldn't help but become a little irritated. So, he swiftly got up and followed you outside.

Even though his hair was disheveled and he was still wearing his sleepwear, it didn't bother him. 

He had to know what had happened to make you no longer stay in his embrace.

When he eventually came to a stop and saw people hurdling around, he understood why you started running like crazy.

Chrome has survived.

Your cherished newbie scientist was back at home.

"Google Chrome!" You threw your arms around Chrome, nearly causing you both to collapse, "It's so good to see you!"

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