Twenty-Five || Blossom

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When everyone finally woke up, numerous villagers went to the observatory room to check how the telescope worked. They were even more thrilled when you — their guide — informed them they could simply modify the distance they wanted to see.

Meanwhile, this gives your heart a chance to calm down. You tried so hard to forget what happened last night, even though it was obviously something you could never forget.

'Did I just hear the word beautiful from that lettuce head's mouth?! No way, right? He said that to the painting, not me! But... when he said it, he was staring at me. NO. TSUYOSHI (NAME), FOCUS!'

When the sun began to rise, it was time to prove to everyone that the rocks they had picked were the correct ones.

Every single one of the rocks did, in fact, glow blue, causing you all to smile and cheer with delight.

"Oh, wow! It looks like a mountain of jewels." Ruri gasped in awe.

"Yeah. Of course it does." Senku stated, "It is a mountain of jewels. Kukuku! And this treasure hoard here has our ultra-rare metal inside it."

From behind you, Magma boredly glanced at it, "Call 'em whatever you want. It's just heavy rocks to me. I hope they're worth the fuss."

"It'll definitely be worth it when they help us beat Tsukasa-chan," Gen stated.

At that, Kokuyo mumbled inquisitively, "This will help us win the battle? I get it. They are weapons! They got enough weight to hurt somebody!"

Ruri and Kohaku looked at their father with disappointment, while you, Senku, and Gen could only stare at the former chief in shock.

"The older generation doesn't understand some things." Kohaku let out a big sigh, causing Kokuyo to gasp in shock that his own daughter had said something like that.

"A boomer." You murmured to your two friends, causing them to snort and struggle to contain their laughter.

"Look. We're up against Tsukasa's army, which is gonna be crazy strong." Gen happily clarified, "But, if we stick to the plan and make cell phones with these rocks, we'll have a massive advantage in the information war."

"Yeah, I know. But, how much longer is it going to take to make these cell phones?" Kohaku asked, looking concerned alongside Ginro, "Oh, yeah! That's a good question! 'Cause once spring comes, their army's gonna storm the village!"

"Eh, we're not far from our goal." Senku shrugged his shoulders.

You nodded in agreement, "To explain things simply, the vacuum tube is the heart of the cell phone, plastic's the skeleton, the microphone's the vocal chord, and the gold wire's the veins."

"Yeah. All we gotta do is put those four parts together and we'll have ourselves a cellphone." With confidence, Senku raised four fingers.

Everyone responded with a hearty cheer.

ALL ROLE [Ishigami Senku x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu